Talking about my friend Jesus

Jonatán Toledo
(Audio: Español)

RESUMEN: The speaker reflects on the life of Jesus and how he can relate to him as a young man. He talks about the privilege of being friends with God and the struggle of being a Christian in a world that sometimes doesn't accept it. He realizes the importance of putting God first in his life and promises to try his best to do so.

The speaker reflects on the importance of having a personal, intimate relationship with Jesus Christ. He emphasizes the need to prioritize Jesus above all else and to speak about Him openly with others. The speaker suggests scheduling time for prayer and Bible study and being mindful of one's words and actions to reflect Christ's character. He also shares his desire to develop discernment, a quality he admires in Jesus. Overall, the message encourages believers to cultivate a deep, personal relationship with Jesus and to let His character shine through their lives.

No mommy, look, that boy was very happy with his career, he knew where he was going, he had all his plans, he was happy, yes, the only problem was that people talked a lot about him, people thought that he had no girlfriend because he had a problem, or I don't know, maybe he was afraid of intimacy, afraid of committing himself, however he was a normal boy, like everyone else. Yes, that's not a problem, if he laughed a lot and liked to share with people, yes, he also liked debates, yes, in fact, that's why he always got into trouble because he didn't keep quiet to anyone, Yeah. But no, you know what? Even though he always talked and argued with people, he always spoke based, and it wasn't that he argued, what happens is that people didn't like what he had to say, yes.

I don't know, no, but I admired him a lot because he shared with everyone around him, played with the children, talked with adults, with the elderly, yes, he was always helping the poor people of the neighborhood, yes, one that he was seen crying again, yes, sometimes he was seen alone, look, that boy was very dear to Mommy, when he died that was an event, don't you remember? But you introduced him to me in Sunday school when I was very little. Look mommy the fact is that his life trajectory was very good, and he left a good legacy after he died.

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