God's presence

Alberto González Muñoz
Alberto González Muñoz

SUMMARY: Having a true relationship with God is more than just going to church. It requires approaching Him, seeking Him, and requesting His attention for our lives. Anyone can find God through Jesus Christ, who died on the cross for the sins of mankind. We can have a personal relationship with God, converse with Him, experience His forgiveness and presence, feel His comfort and companionship wherever we are. Going to church is great for worshiping with others, but it is not necessary to experience the blessing of God's presence.

How can we achieve a true relationship with God? It is very clear in the Bible that our Heavenly Father longs for that relationship, but humans do not tend to give Him priority. Often when we talk about God or invite people to church they respond that they barely have enough time to work and take care of family responsibilities.

Is it necessary to go to church to know, worship God, and experience his presence? Although many think so, it certainly is not. God does not dwell in buildings built by human hands, even though they are beautiful and dedicated to religious activities. These buildings sometimes provide a certain atmosphere that makes us feel different and close to God or surrounded by a tranquility that does not exist in other places. Recently, in a Cuban soap opera, one of the characters, an elderly woman, confessed to a friend that she went to church because there was a lot of peace there. And that peace that he found in the church helped him face the problems in his life.

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