Enough faith to take the extra step

Omar Soto
(Audio: Spanish)

SUMMARY: In Luke 22, Jesus tells Peter that Satan has asked to sift him like wheat, but Jesus has prayed for him so that his faith does not fail. The shaking in our lives separates what is disposable from what is desired and what is bad from what is good. When something seems to be over, it doesn't mean that God is done with us. The conclusion of a season in our life does not determine our destiny. We need to keep walking and not cut the momentum of other people or plans that God has for us. We should remember that another season will also begin that will bring its joys and its new tears and sufferings.

In life, we often face situations that shake us, such as in the areas of character, family, work, health, and even in the church. These situations can cause us to lose our focus and vision, but they are opportunities for God to polish us and remove what is disposable, ugly, and dirty in our lives. We should not blame the devil or run away from the situation, but instead, we should focus on what God wants to bring out of it and become the person He wants us to be. Just because something seems to be coming to an end, it does not mean that something new will not begin. We should stand firm and trust in God's dreams for us.

God has dreams for us and works on us through difficult times. We should trust in Him and not be shaken by negative circumstances. God allows us to go through challenges to become better people. We should ask for discernment and wisdom to know how God is working in our lives. We should trust in God's purposes for us. We should ask God to protect us from temptations that don't come from Him. We should rest in God's presence and bless Him for His work in our lives.

We move on. What was it that I was saying last Wednesday? There is no enduring vocation that is not first shaken, in other words, there is no Christian life that does not have a sense of itself without first being shaken. We were reading in Luke, chapter 22, if you can go with me one more time to jog your memory. Luke, chapter 22, verse 31, is the event in which Jesus is in the process of instituting the dinner and is identifying the person who was going to betray him and suddenly he turns to Peter, in verse 31 and tells him :

“…Simon, Simon, behold, Satan has asked you to sift you like wheat, but I have prayed for you – sorry, I am in Luke 22, verse 31, to those who did not hear me before, he says -… Simon, Simon behold, Satan has asked them to sift them like wheat but I have prayed for you so that your faith does not fail and once you return that you can confirm your brothers..."

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