It is better to pray with others

Dr. Roberto Miranda
Dr. Roberto Miranda

RESUMEN: King Jehoshaphat faced a great crisis and humbled himself before God, seeking wisdom and help. He also proclaimed a fast for all of Judah, involving the entire nation in prayer. This shows the power of prayer in community and the importance of having prayer partners to fight life's battles together. Individual prayer is important, but corporate prayer can give encouragement and strength to keep going. Joining people of faith can help us more effectively undertake the race of faith and build a great bonfire of faith together.

When King Jehoshaphat was confronted with the greatest crisis of his life, he recognized his great fear and his inability to deal with the situation adequately, and instead of trying to find his own solutions, he cried out to the Lord and appealed to the promises in his Word. .

Jehoshaphat's decision to humble himself and seek wisdom from God is inspiring and exemplary. But his personal search for divine help did not stop there. In addition, we are told that Jehoshaphat "made all Judah proclaim fasting" (2 Chron 20: 3). In a theocratic culture like Judah, the king functioned not only as a political leader, but also as a spiritual head. He possessed the authority to summon all the people to cry out and fast, and he did not hesitate to use it. He involved the entire nation in appealing to Jehovah for a miraculous intervention. The writer provides more detail, adding: “And those of Judah gathered to ask Jehovah for help; and also from all the cities of Judah they came to ask Jehovah for help.

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