Praying in community has power

Dr. Roberto Miranda
Dr. Roberto Miranda

SUMMARY: Prayer is more powerful when done with others. Jesus said that where two or three are gathered in His name, He is present in their midst. Praying with others gives encouragement and helps us to fight life's battles together. Don't isolate yourself and abandon the community of faith around you. Join people of faith to more effectively undertake the race of faith.

In prayer, the more committed people we have in the trench with us, the more powerful and effective we can be. The Lord Jesus Christ declared: "Where two or three are gathered together in my name, there I am in the midst of them." He also said, "If two of you agree on earth about anything they ask, it will be done for them by my Father who is in heaven" (Mat 18:19, 20) . Through these images of plurality, the Lord wanted to underline the power that exists in unity, in the spiritual agreement between believers.

I believe in individual prayer, and I have always made it clear that corporate prayer is not a substitute for private prayer. But, beloved brother, there are situations in which you have to find yourself a friend, a partner in the trenches, and say, “Look, help me to pray because what I have ahead of me is so difficult and so great, that praying alone, the only thing I am going to to achieve is to decay in my spirit ”.

When we tie ourselves to two or three prayer partners, it gives us encouragement to keep going. So, pray with other brothers! Find yourself people of faith to fight life's battles together. Live life in community with believers of equal conviction. Don't try to fight the battle alone. Don't be like Elijah, who when the diabolical attack came, went alone to the desert, fell into a deep depression, and ended up wishing for death. Because when we isolate ourselves and abandon the community of faith around us, the devil can deliver the final blow to us much more easily.

Join people of faith to more effectively undertake the race of faith. Join your little spark of faith with that of your brothers, and together build a great bonfire that will catch the eye of heaven!

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