The challenge of growing in the Word

Faustino de Jesús Zamora Vargas
Faustino de Jesús Zamora Vargas

RESUMEN: The Word of God is essential for the spiritual growth and abundance of the Christian. Neglecting it can lead to stumbling blocks and a lack of blessings. The Bible is like wings to the bird, it enables the Christian to walk and confront sin, weakness, and anxiety. The Word of God confirms our spiritual birth and is to be read, scrutinized, meditated on, saved, and put into practice. The Christian must base their life on the Word of God and invest time in studying and applying it. Knowing the Word of God is not enough, we must also know the God of the Word by putting it into practice in our lives. Our lives are being constantly read by the world, so it is a challenge to grow spiritually and live out the teachings of the Incarnate Word.

The Word of God is one of the delights of the Christian who longs to grow spiritually and live a life of abundance in Christ. It is not strange to see Christian brothers who, believing themselves confident in their salvation by having surrendered to Christ, neglect reading and meditating on the Word, thus ignoring the extraordinary teachings of God for their spiritual becoming in the always surprising adventure of faith. The Bible is to the Christian what wings are to the bird. Without wings you cannot fly, without the authority of the Word in the Christian life, it is impossible to walk; at least it will be a life full of stumbling blocks in which we will not be able to enjoy countless blessings, at the most, at worst, an aimless retreat, a ship without a compass. What son does not want to listen to the Father's advice so that he can do well in all his affairs?

One of the indelible marks of Christian growth is being a conscious lover of God's Word because it establishes a direct relationship between the believer and his Lord. Together with prayer, the Word is a divine and indispensable resource to confront sin ("In my heart I have kept your sayings, so as not to sin against you." Psalm 119: 11), spiritual anxiety, the causes of our weaknesses, stumbling blocks, but also joys and blessings. That is why Paul says that he is alive and effective… he judges the thoughts and intentions of the heart (Hebrews 4:12) and the Lord, through the prophet Jeremiah, affirms “Is not my word like fire, and like a hammer that pulverizes the rock?" (Jer 23.29).

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