Growing in faith through the Word

Dr. Roberto Miranda
Dr. Roberto Miranda

SUMMARY: Faith is the connecting thread between God and man. Without faith, there is no connection between them. To please God and receive His rewards, we must believe in Him and His character. Reading and meditating on the Word of God helps to increase our faith. Without faith, we cannot receive the many good things God has for us. So, we must continually expose ourselves to the Word of God to grow in faith and obtain victories in our lives.

Faith is the connecting thread, it is the wire that allows divine energy to flow and reach one, and to go one's request to God. Faith is the channel of communication between God and the world of the spirit, the realm of the eternal and time and space. If there is no faith there is no connection between God and man. If there is no faith, the telephone of grace cannot work. The Bible says that whoever approaches God must believe that he exists, and that he is a rewarder of those who seek him. The word declares that without faith it is impossible to please God.

If you want to get closer to God, if you want to receive something from God, if you want to be recognized, rewarded by God, you have to believe that God is and that God is as He says He is. And that God is the same yesterday, today, and forever; that the God who healed the woman with the issue of blood, can do the same in your life; that the one who forgave Zacchaeus and visited him in his home can forgive you and establish his throne in your heart if you repent and invite him into your life.

God can work despite your little faith. But without faith at all — with doubt in your heart about God's faithfulness or the trustworthiness of His character, you won't be able to receive the many things He wants to give you. James says: “But ask in faith, not doubting anything; because the one who doubts is similar to the wave of the sea, which is carried by the wind and thrown from one part to another ”.

The Bible says that faith comes by hearing, and links this act with the word of God. One of the ways to grow in your faith is by reading the Word, continually meditating on it, submitting to its principles, and valuing it like gold. By continually exposing yourself to it, your faith will grow, and then you will be prepared to receive all the good things that God has for you.

Consume the Word every day. Let it get inside of you and do its regenerating work on your soul. James 1:21 advises us: "receive with meekness the implanted word, which can save your souls." By opening frank entrance to the word of God each day, and meditating on it continually, our faith will grow, and we will be able to obtain the great victories in our lives that we long for.

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