The intentional God
Dr. Roberto Miranda(Audio: Español)
Based on the book of Acts because again, can someone tell me why I have chosen to study the book of Acts in these next few months? What has moved me to do it? I have shared it with you. Someone who wasn't sleeping at 9 in the morning when I shared that, someone who's daring and can tell me why I'm taking time to study the book of Acts. Don't all raise your hand at the same time because you're going to confuse me. Ah, this way, Victor. Stand up and thunder like your son, one of those who was here, who was giving the drama. Tell me.
I remember that you said that….. ok. One of the reasons that my desire as your pastor is that our church return to the roots, to the origins of the Christian faith as exemplified by the book of Acts, the lives of the first Christians. Someone else tell me a little more, complete what Víctor said very well. Up, ok, good sister. Stand up, please.