Don't settle for less than the best

Dr. Roberto Miranda
(Audio: Spanish)

SUMMARY: In First Chronicles chapter 13, David decides to bring the Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem as one of his first official acts as King of Israel. The Ark was a symbol of God's presence among the Israelites, but had been neglected since the time of Saul. David consulted with the military leaders because the Ark was often taken into battle as a symbol of God's company. The Ark had been taken by the Philistines in a previous battle when God's presence was not with Israel. David understood the importance of the Ark and mobilized the people to bring it back to its rightful place. The neglect of the Ark represents a neglect of the Glory of God, which is something the Church needs to seek more fervently. The Church needs to understand the mysteries and power of God and activate it through worship and a hungry heart.

The speaker believes that God wants to bring His glory back to the Church, but it requires a hunger for His presence and a genuine adoration. Adoration unleashes the power of God and David was a great worshiper. When we come to Church, we come to minister to the Lord and give Him all the glory and honor. Fasting is also powerful and we need to understand the combination of praise, adoration, ministry of the word, and prophecy. We need to ask the Lord to teach us how to make His presence fall in love and how to unleash His presence in our meetings.

The power of God is accessible through adoration, praise, fasting, prophetic ministry, and the assembly of Holy Spirit-filled individuals. The presence of God is attracted through these means and it is equivalent to bringing the Ark of the Covenant. We need to prioritize the presence of God in our lives, seeking His power and filling ourselves with the Holy Spirit. When a people learns to worship the Lord, great things happen. We must consecrate ourselves, unify our hearts, and seek God's glory in our lives.

The speaker urges the audience to consecrate themselves to God and give everything to Him. They emphasize the importance of surrendering completely to God and dedicating oneself to His glory. The speaker invites those who feel called to consecrate themselves to come forward and make the commitment. They pray for God to clarify and teach them how to abide in His presence and to keep them from dishonoring His holiness. The speaker also prays for God to release His anointing on the town and for His glory to be manifested on earth.

The word of the Lord as it said, I want to be obedient to the word of God and I want to go to a passage. First Chronicles chapter 13. The Lord changed my sermon a little, not a little enough because I am going to preach another Sermon different from the one I had.

Do you see what I say about that we have to believe, that we have to do what God wants and not what we want and we propose and He provides us and He blesses us, right?

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