When the glory of the Lord enters your house

Samuel Acevedo
(Audio: Spanish)

SUMMARY: The story of David bringing the Ark of God back to Jerusalem is a reminder that it's not about the box, but the presence of God that dwells within it. David understood the importance of having God's presence near him as a king and longed for it to be close to him in Jerusalem. Obed-Edom welcomed the Ark of God into his home, and the Holy Spirit felt welcome there, blessing all that he owned. The presence of God radiated out from his home, blessing his extended family, finances, and relationships. If enough people welcome the presence of God into their homes, it can radiate out and eventually bring revival to institutions like government and schools. It begins with our personal relationship with God and our reverence for His presence in our lives.

The speaker is encouraging people to invite the presence of God into their homes and lives. He suggests taking the Ark of God (symbolic of God's presence) and placing it in a prominent place in the home to invite the Spirit of God to dwell there. He encourages listeners to name specific people and areas of their lives where they want God's presence to be felt. The speaker prays for God to fill every aspect of their lives and not to leave them.

Here is one of my favorite stories in the whole bible, and maybe it will tell us something even different tonight, Second Samuel chapter 6 verse 1, the story of David bringing the ark of God back to Jerusalem, do you remember of that story?, David reunited all the chosen ones of Israel, and David got up and left Baalah, Judah, with all the people that he had with him to bring the ark of God from there, and I love this brothers , read this as if you were reading a reader of a novel, because there is more. He does not merely say what the Ark of God is, but if you don't know where he is talking about, if you are going to make a mistake, you are going to make a mistake with another Ark of God, he clarifies what is talking.

He says the Ark of God upon which Jehovah of hosts was called, that dwells between the cherubs, and this was literally. The Ark of God was a box so to speak that the Lord specifically dictated all the details of this Ark to Moses, because perched on this Ark would walk the glory of the Lord, what we call the Shekinah glory of the Lord, and next to each Ark there was a golden cherub, and in that space between the wings of the cherubs dwelt the cloud of Jehovah, and you know the story. This is the same instrument, the same Ark that led the people of Israel in the desert, don't you remember?

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