Do like Moses and surrender your rod to God

Mercedes López-Miranda
(Audio: Spanish)

SUMMARY: Our sincere love for God is shown through our service to Him with a surrendered heart. God knows what He has deposited in each person and He has the resources we need to serve Him. We are all called to collaborate in His Kingdom, regardless of age or background. The Bible has many examples of ordinary people that God has used for His glory, such as Moses. In Exodus 3, God reveals Himself to Moses through a burning bush and calls him to lead His people out of Egypt. God's plans and intentions are always better than our own, and we should wait on Him for guidance and wisdom.

God's call on our lives can be hindered by our own humanity and insecurities. We often focus on our limitations and disqualify ourselves from doing what God has called us to do. However, God affirms us and promises to be with us in our endeavors. Obedience is more important than what we do, and we should take advantage of every moment to impart God's presence and identity to our children. Our past failures and experiences of miry mud can still be used for good by God. Moses resisted God's call multiple times, and we are just as vulnerable to insecurities and fears.

Moses initially resisted God's call due to his insecurities and fears, expressing his doubts and excuses multiple times. However, God reassured him and trained him to fulfill his call, despite his perceived weaknesses. Moses eventually grew in faith and became a hero of the faith in Hebrews 11. He surrendered his personal staff to God, symbolizing his relinquishment of his possessions, talents, and identity to serve God. The message encourages readers to embrace their call, no matter how small or great, and to trust in God's training and guidance.

The size of our calling in the Kingdom of God does not matter. We should embrace whatever God has called us to do, whether it is preaching or cleaning toilets. It is important to have a sensitive heart towards God and be willing to do His will. We should ask God what He wants us to do and offer our resources and limitations to Him. We should renounce our ownership of our resources and ask God to sanctify our rod, representing who we are and what we do, to use it for His work and glory. We should work as a team in perfect unity for God's glory.

The main way that we can show our sincere love to the Lord is through our service. Serving Him with a surrendered heart. Each one of us is moved when you ask someone for something and that person with so much pleasure and delight goes and does what you ask, according to the need that you have.

How beautiful is that! TRUE? When we say to a child "Please go, bring me water" and that little boy runs, or that adolescent runs to the kitchen, he brings us that water, he pours ice into it, he brings it in a small dish, a napkin and everything else. And he gives it to us with love.

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