When the Lord asks you for the burrito

Samuel Acevedo
(Audio: Spanish)

SUMMARY: In Luke 19:28-34, Jesus sends two of his disciples to find a donkey for him to ride into Jerusalem. The donkey plays an essential role in messianic prophecy, including Genesis 49:9 and Zechariah 9:9. Samuel emphasizes that God often chooses the most valuable thing to us as a means for his miracles, and we must trust him and give him what he asks for, just as Moses gave God his rod and Mary gave God her body. The Lord seeks worshipers in spirit and truth and has implanted something in each of us that he can be glorified through. We must be willing to give the Lord our "donkey" in order for him to use us for his glory.

The speaker talks about how every person has something implanted in them by the Lord that can be used to glorify Him. He shares a personal experience of giving up his own plans to help someone in need, and how it was an opportunity for the Lord to use him to glorify Himself. He also talks about how the Lord asked Pastor Roberto to let go of his own plans to write a book and instead pastor a congregation, which led to the creation of the Lion of Judah Congregation. The speaker encourages the audience to trust the Lord and allow Him to ride on their lives to glorify Himself. He leads a prayer for the Lord to reveal His purpose for their lives and to use them for His glory.

Luke chapter 19 beginning with verse 28. Luke 19:28. I love hearing the sound of God's people skimming the word of God. In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Having said this, the Lord went ahead, going up to Jerusalem, and it came to pass that when he was near Belfaguet and Bethany, at the Mount of Olives, he sent two of his disciples with this charge, saying, "Go to the village opposite, and when you enter it you will find a tethered colt on which no man has ever ridden, untie it and bring it, and if anyone asks you why you untie it, you will reply thus: "Because the Lord needs it." untied the donkey -he comments to somebody: Thank you my brother- when they untied the donkey its owners said: "Hey, why do you untie the donkey?" and they said "Because the Lord needs it" and they brought it to Jesus and having Throwing their cloaks on the donkey, they climbed Jesus on top.

Spirit of God I ask you in the name of Jesus to breathe on this word and revive it for the glory of your name.

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