God wants your perfection

Dr. Roberto Miranda
(Audio: Español)

RESUMEN: God wants us to be perfect, to reflect the character of Jesus Christ, and to be prepared for every good work. Our journey as Christians includes times of growth, improvement, effort, and even suffering, but it is all necessary for our sanctification. We should not limit ourselves to a superficial experience of the Christian life, but rather seek intimacy with God and become something extraordinary for Him. God disciplines us to make us more like Christ, to kill our carnal traits, and to diminish our love for the world and its vanity. We exist for the glory of God and to become like Christ, not just for the secondary benefits of the Christian life.

God tests and breaks us to lessen our love for the world and make us suitable for Christian service. He also prepares us to be good witnesses through our testimony and behavior. Christians should not be attached to material things and should set their sights on eternal things. God can use difficult situations in life for something precious and ultimately bless us. Through faith, we can redeem everything that happens in our lives and turn it into gold. God's treatment of us produces an ever more excellent and eternal weight of glory.

The passage in question talks about how God works in our lives to renew us day by day, and how we are like a plant or vineyard that God works on to bear fruit. Christians are called to bear fruit for the Kingdom of God, and if they do not, they may suffer loss or be cut down. The Christian life is dynamic and interactive, with the Holy Spirit working within us to prepare us for battle and to bear fruit. We must embrace the fullness of the Christian life, both in its joys and in its sufferings, and be willing to pay the price of being a true follower of Christ.

The speaker uses the metaphor of a vinedresser pruning a plant to explain how God also prunes us through trials and difficulties to make us stronger and more fruitful for His glory. He emphasizes the importance of serving in the church and being a co-producer, not just a consumer. The goal is for the church to reach unity in faith and knowledge of Christ, and to no longer be swayed by false teachings.

The speaker encourages listeners not to waste the opportunity to be a servant of God and to understand why God works with us - to produce individuals who manifest the life of Christ and a congregation of people being led by the Holy Spirit. He warns against false doctrine and urges discernment, prayer, and maturity. Each person is a part of the body of Christ and must grow in harmony, directed by the Holy Spirit, to produce a strong and useful Church. The speaker invites those who have not given their lives to Jesus Christ to do so now and prays for hunger and thirst for a deeper and closer life to Christ. He gives the flock to God and asks Him to keep working with them.

Let's go to the Word of the Lord in Second Timothy chapter 3 verses 16-17, one of many verses that we could choose to talk about these issues that: God wants your perfection. I am going to be a good Pentecostal: turn your brother next to you and tell him: God wants your perfection. God wants us to be perfect, God wants us to be like His Son.

The Word of the Lord says: "Be perfect as your Father who is in heaven is perfect" and although we never reach that measure of absolute perfection because we are always in the flesh, and we will always be in this body that betrays us many times, in This rather human biology will never reach that absolute perfection, but the goal of the Holy Spirit is to lead us to that fullness of attributes and virtues that make us more and more like Christ and that is the purpose of the Holy Spirit in our lives and for that the Spirit of God exerts all his efforts and uses all the infinite resources that He has to bring you and me to that state of perfection.

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