From crisis to blessing
Dr. Roberto Miranda(Audio: Español)
In Second Chronicles, King Jehoshaphat faced a national crisis when a great army approached his land. He humbled himself and sought the Lord's guidance, proclaiming a fast throughout all Judah. He also gathered his people to the house of God to seek answers and strength. When facing crises, we should follow Jehoshaphat's example and seek the Lord's guidance through prayer and fasting, remember the things God has done throughout history and in our own lives, and gather with our Christian community to seek support and unity. There is power in prayer, fasting, and the house of God.
In this passage, King Jehoshaphat and his people are faced with a great army of enemies who want to take their land. They turn to the Lord in prayer, reminding Him of His promises and asking for His help. A prophet named Jaciel receives a message from the Lord, telling them not to fear, and that the battle is not theirs but God's. The people respond with praise and worship, and God causes their enemies to turn on each other, resulting in their victory. The passage emphasizes the importance of relying on God's promises and praising Him in all circumstances.
The story in 2 Chronicles 20 tells of King Jehoshaphat facing a great enemy army and turning to God for help. God tells him not to be afraid and that the battle is His, not Jehoshaphat's. Jehoshaphat and his people pray and sing praises to God, and God causes the enemy army to turn on each other and be defeated. Jehoshaphat and his people then gather the spoils of the battle and call the place Beraca, meaning blessing. The message is that no matter the crisis, God can turn it into a blessing and bring victory.Chapter 20, Second Chronicles, a very, very significant event in the history of Israel. And it's one of those events that is like a model for the Christian life. What do we do when we are in crisis? I might call this meditation From Crisis to Blessing, From Crisis to Blessing. And it teaches us how to traverse that path, how to go from the depths of crisis to the heights of blessing. And that is what we want to keep this year in our hearts and always in our lives when facing difficult situations.
I am going to recount part of it, so as not to read it all, but look in verse 12 of chapter 20 King Jehoshaphat, in the midst of a terrible national crisis surrounded by enemies, the enemy approaches , and King Jehoshaphat, who is a just king, says to him, “O, our God. Won't you judge them? Because in us there is no strength against such a great multitude that comes against us. We do not know what to do. And to You we turn our eyes.”