When God speaks to you, don't be incredulous

Dr. Roberto Miranda
(Audio: Español)

RESUMEN: In John 11, some people doubted Jesus' power to heal Lazarus and prevent his death, despite knowing of His miracles. These doubters had a hardened heart and were not open to the power of the Holy Spirit. However, others who witnessed Jesus' miracle believed in Him and were open to His power. The difference between these two groups shows that the works of God can either bless or curse us, depending on our openness and faith. We should strive to be tender and teachable people, open to the Word and works of God.

The Lord has an understanding of things but people who are not totally initiated in divine reasoning see things in a more limited and poor way. And that happens with our lives too many times God He has a deep and eternal understanding of everything that we are going through but we have a limited perspective. And that is why we sometimes suffer more than necessary because we do not understand the glorious plans that God has in mind.

So it says here in verse 37: it says here are some of them who were looking at this scene, it says that some of them said, "Couldn't this one?" speaking of Jesus, and it is interesting he says: Couldn't this one ?. Do you notice a little bit of disparaging language there? Instead of saying the Lord couldn't. These people are unbelievers, these people don't necessarily believe in Jesus. These people are perhaps opposed to the Lord and are doubting His power. He says: "Couldn't this one who opened the eyes of the blind man?"

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