Confidence During Grief

Alberto González Muñoz
Alberto González Muñoz

RESUMEN: We will all face afflictions in life, but it's important to be hopeful and believe that things will improve. Bad times are temporary and we should prepare ourselves for better times. It's important to not be paralyzed by negative thoughts and to trust in the Lord. Jesus himself said that we will face afflictions, but to be of good cheer because he has overcome the world. Our faith in Jesus is what gives us victory over the world.

There is a biblical thought that is very hopeful for me. "I am certain that the afflictions of the present time are not comparable with the glory to come that is to be revealed in us" (Romans 8:18). It is impossible to inhabit planet earth with the hope of not suffering from afflictions. They come in many ways and by many circumstances. The worst thing is that some of them no one is in a position to avoid them, because they are triggered by forces totally beyond our control. The question is how to face them, survive them and somehow be able to extract something positive for life.

We have to learn to be hopeful when we are in the midst of difficult and frustrating circumstances. Bad times pass. Normally, almost everything in life is temporary and we will not always be in the same condition. Whether we are sick, or facing financial difficulties, or family problems, it is good to hold on to the hope that current conditions will somehow one day disappear or improve. It is good to have that spirit because in this way we help ourselves and develop the energies that allow us to face problems with wisdom and good sense.

The opposite is to say: I can't take it anymore, it will always be the same, there is no remedy. Some people like to express criteria like this, but the truth is that they are not always true and worst of all, they are paralyzing. The most negative thing in the midst of any affliction is to fold your arms and dedicate yourself to thinking about the magnitude of the problem that overwhelms us, gloating in our inability to do something without giving room or space to hope or faith.

When you are afflicted or distressed and logically assume that it will not always be the same by preparing to wait and work for better times, you release a force that helps you lift yourself up and incredibly empowers what constitutes your affliction, allowing you to see other possibilities and new alternatives.

The Lord Jesus himself, shortly before he died and when his disciples perceived that very difficult times were coming for everyone, said: “In the world you will have affliction, but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world” (John 16:33). With those words he showed them and us what attitude to take when afflictions take our lives by storm. Let's face the evils of life naturally when they come, but also, let's trust the Lord. Always behind the storm comes calm, behind the dark night comes dawn. The apostle John also reminds us: “For everything that is born of God overcomes the world; and this is the victory that has overcome the world, our faith. Who is the one who overcomes the world, but he who believes that Jesus is the Son of God? " (1 John 5: 4-5).

God bless you!

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