Trust in the midst of sadness

Dr. Roberto Miranda
(Audio: Spanish)

SUMMARY: It is okay to cry and mourn when we experience loss, but as Christians, we must not cry without hope. The Lord invites us to acknowledge our feelings but also to trust in Him, knowing that He is in control and that there is eternal life. It is important to affirm our faith and speak words of hope in the midst of our pain to strengthen and heal us.

When the Lord sees that tomb where Lazarus is, He says that Jesus wept. I don't know what happened there frankly. I believe that the human part of the Lord was moved and also cried because death is like that, death is impressive even though we know that something else is coming.

I think it is important. When we see our loved ones in a coffin I think it is legitimate to cry, sometimes people like that it puts so much pressure on the believers; If you truly believe that your loved one is going to be resurrected, you should not cry, you should not be moved. No. There is a place to cry when our loved ones die and when we see their body there, and we know that there is going to be a separation at least for a while, right?

Mourning has its legitimacy, when there is loss it is legitimate to cry, it is legitimate to feel sad. What we cannot is cry like those who have no hope as the Bible says. We can cry but our cry must be a cry tinged with hope, a cry that has a luminous streak also where we cry but we do not cry desperately with that cry, that cry that people sometimes have. You have seen the people of our countries when their loved ones who have died sometimes cry. They scratch themselves, they throw themselves to the floor, it is an almost heartbreaking cry, terrible when people do not have the hope that we Christians who know the power of God and the resurrection have.

We can be sad but not like those who have no hope, we know that there is eternal life, right? So the Lord invites us, He cried, He invites us to recognize our feelings but also to trust in the midst of sadness, that He is in control and that there is hope for those of us who are in Christ Jesus. Any situation in your life that involves loss and mourning, it is legitimate to cry, it is legitimate to regret a certain loss, to acknowledge our feelings.

But there also comes a time when, enough crying, enough crying now I am going to affirm my faith, I am going to confirm my faith, I am going to cry out to the Lord, I am going to say the Word of hope in the midst of my pain and those words are going to strengthen you. and they will heal you more and more. God bless you and may these words be of encouragement for your life as they have been for me. Your brother in Christ Roberto Miranda says goodbye to you.

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