Get rid of and you will receive

Dr. Roberto Miranda
(Audio: Spanish)

SUMMARY: The Apostle Paul exhorts Christians to live a humble and selfless life, putting aside pride and conflict. He calls for a mentality that esteems others and seeks their well-being. This attitude is exemplified by Jesus Christ, who, despite being God, humbled himself and became a servant, obeying the Father's will. This mindset should be present in every believer and govern their conduct towards others. The exaltation of Christ's deity is a result of this attitude of humility and obedience to God.

Jesus Christ is God himself and when he came into the world, he emptied himself of his glory and privileges, but not his deity. Christians should detach themselves from things they cling to and not feel entitled to receive certain treatment or gifts. This principle of giving up what belongs to oneself for the love and well-being of others is the central principle of the Christian life. As a consequence of Christ's humility and obedience, God exalted him and gave him a name that is above all names. The name of Jesus is more powerful than any disease, Satan, or energy in the universe, and Christians should live their lives in the name of Jesus. When Christ ascended, he did not leave his humanity behind, but ascended as both God and man, seated at the right hand of God the Father.

The key principle of the Christian life is to live for God and others, not for oneself. When we become small and strip ourselves of our rights and glory, the power and grace of God is manifested in our lives. This principle is seen throughout the Bible, from Solomon asking for wisdom instead of power and riches, to Christ emptying himself for love of others. If we live this way, God will find a thousand ways to bless us and we will be the most powerful, happiest, and successful people in the world. We should treat others with care and attention, not thinking about ourselves, and God will defend us and give us mental and emotional health.

We often experience anxiety and insomnia because we haven't solved something within ourselves. The key is to give everything to God, live for Him and for others. The more we empty ourselves, the more God can put His anointing, gifts, and glory within us. The main principle of Scripture is to live in the power of God, not our own strength or talent. We need to teach people how to live life as Christ lived it. If we learn to live for others and God, we will have mental and emotional health, esteem, respect, and influence. We invite people to give their lives to Jesus and live like Him. We pray for those who have taken that step and bless them in the name of Jesus. We ask God to establish His principles of love, humility, dedication to others, obedience to the Father, mutual submission, mercy, goodness, meekness, forgiveness, grace, patience, and benignity in our church and throughout the Earth. To God be the glory. Amen.

Philippians chapter 2 in verse 3 begins what some consider the first hymn or one of the first hymns of the church. There in verse 5 it is believed that this is a hymn that was sung in early Christian meetings. Because for the first Christians the Resurrection of Jesus was essential, it was the exaltation of Jesus, his exalted condition, his rising from the grave. Establishment as the Lord of lords, the King of kings. The fact that God raised him from his condition of humiliation when He emptied Himself of His Glory and assumed the form of a mere man - who was not a mere man but had the appearance of a man even though he was human - but was much more than just human.

And then as God raised him from the dead and put him in one place it is above all another place. And it seems that in his exaltation of the Risen Christ, the Lordship of Christ, his Messianic character, this is one of the first signs. Talk about that process that Christ lived through. But before entering the Apostle Paul in the Hymn which is in verse 5 he begins with some words of practice, application and explanations of life for Christian conduct. Actually this is what is important. Look, that wonderful hymn, that wonderful theological exaltation, because that text that begins with verse 5 is one of the key texts about the deity of Jesus Christ and his superiority over any other figure that we could mention in the economy of faith.

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