Water of life and water of death
Dr. Roberto Miranda(Audio: Español)
Let's go to the word of the Lord, brothers. Second Book of Kings, Chapter 3, Verses 4 onwards. It is a rather long passage but I am going to try to shorten the reading as much as possible and then I will enter the story itself to get the benefit that God wants us to get in the time we have left. Second Kings Chapter 3. We're going to start with verse 4. And I want to talk about… I've titled this sermon 'Water of Life and Water of Death.'
Let's start. It says here, "Then Mesha king of Moab owned cattle, and paid the king of Israel..." Do you know that Israel was divided? The Jewish nation had been divided between two kingdoms: the northern kingdom called Israel, to which ten tribes belonged, and the southern kingdom of Judah, whose capital was Jerusalem, which was where the Davidic line followed. Kings who were descendants of King David and the Kingdom of Israel, the northern kingdom, were generally distinguished as very, very bad kings. Pagan kings, idolatrous kings who had turned away from God completely. In the kingdom of Judah there were good kings and sometimes bad kings and Jehoshaphat was a man of God, a pious king, a man who loved the Lord. But the king of Israel was a wicked man.