A treatise for Yadira

Faustino de Jesús Zamora Vargas
Faustino de Jesús Zamora Vargas

SUMMARY: The author met Yadira, a physically disabled girl, and shared the Gospel with her. She accepted Jesus and her life was transformed. The author encourages readers to share the Gospel with those around them and not be afraid to be a missionary for God. God can use anyone to reach the lost, but it requires obedience and courage.

When I looked into Yadira's eyes, I remembered the prayer we had raised to God before leaving for the harvest: "Father, prepare the hearts of those who are to be saved this morning." Yadira is a beautiful creature of God. We met her as we passed her humble home with a handful of evangelistic tracts in our hands and a burning desire in our hearts. She could not run like all children during her childhood because a terrible disease twisted her the bones of her feet and left her physically disabled. But his eyes were intact as in his childhood; big, black, bright like a pair of stars just made by God.

He received the treaty in his hands and smiled inviting us to enter his humble home dragging his left leg with difficulty. A heart receptive to the Gospel can only be the work of God's grace. Again I remembered the morning prayer of supplication to reach lost souls: "Lord, Lord, lead us with your Spirit where there is need."

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