Gospel of hope

Faustino de Jesús Zamora Vargas
Faustino de Jesús Zamora Vargas

SUMMARY: The author meets a woman named Daynaris who has lost hope due to being bedridden in a wheelchair after a fatal accident. She is an atheist and has lost faith in God. The author shares the story of the miracles of Jesus and urges her to not give up on life and to put her hope in Christ. He reads a verse from the Bible and she reaches out to him, saying that she believes he has the hands of God. They pray and her family joins in. The story is a reminder that there are people out there who need hope and we can be a channel of blessing to them.

I did not know Daynaris, nor his city, nor his relatives, nor his house. But there the Lord took me, accompanied by brothers from the local church. Daynaris opened the door to her room with difficulty. And before I uttered a word he told me. -Don't waste your time sir; long ago I lost all hope -. My heart swelled when I contemplated the face of that beautiful 35-year-old woman, with a 9-year-old daughter, abandoned by her husband, bedridden in her wheelchair due to a fatal accident that would condemn her forever to a painful immobility and deformity of her lower limbs. "Hope is the last thing to be lost," I answered mechanically, as if trying to alleviate her grief with this saying from the popular proverb.

All the miracles of Jesus came to mind. The story of the paralytic brought to the feet of Jesus by his friends narrated in the Gospel, the story of the apostle Peter and the paralytic Aeneas in the city of Lida (Acts 9). And the story of my brother Idalberto, a brother of faith who fell in his youth from the top of an immense tree and could never walk. But Daynaris was different. It nurtured an atheistic conviction rooted in his long-suffering heart. That fateful event that kept her in a coma for several days, brought her to life with a definitive conviction: "God does not exist, sir, no matter how much you explain it to me, it is not going to work."

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