Year of consolidation (Part 2)

Dr. Roberto Miranda
(Audio: Spanish, English) ->Original

SUMMARY: The sermon is about the idea of consolidation, which means to stabilize and strengthen before moving forward. The passage from Genesis 13 is used as an example of returning to a place where one had been before to consecrate a moment and continue what was interrupted. The Church has gone through many preliminary and formative experiences, such as waiting, being patient, persisting, having faith, believing God for big things, overcoming obstacles, and staying in the battle to see the glory of the Lord established. God has imparted blessings to the Church, such as a supernatural mindset, the manifestation of the Holy Spirit, embodying the excellence and prosperity of the Kingdom of God, combining wisdom with science, and being a prophetic presence in the city and region. The Church is called to be a sign for those who are lost and to lead for the exclusive glory of the Lord.

The Church needs to be a sign for God's glory and should lead the way in social, moral, and spiritual transformation. It should embody harmony in diversity, be ethnically diverse, and be a multi-lingual Church. People in the Church should be radically committed to the Kingdom of God and be involved in effective and powerful evangelism. We need to reconsecrate ourselves to these things and ask God to possess us with His Spirit.

I want to tie in with the New Year's Eve sermon, that sermon what I was looking for was to provide a frame of reference for us for the coming year, for the things that the Lord has. I want to take a little more time because we started but many of you were not here and we want all of you to participate in this vision that God has for us.

I am going to reinforce a little what I said and I am also going to go forward, for some of you it will be a review and for others it will be something new. Genesis 13 from 1 to 4, Abram, he is not Abraham yet, he has not yet had a son that will broaden his name and his spiritual status. This passage, chapter 13 verses from 1 to 4 presents us with a moment in the life of Abraham, a moment of rededication, a moment of returning to the ancient places. Abraham returns from Egypt and returns to the place where he had been before and had erected an altar to the Lord.

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