Consolidation year

Dr. Roberto Miranda
(Audio: Spanish, English) ->Original

SUMMARY: The pastor reflects on the journey that God has taken the congregation through and emphasizes the importance of consolidation. He uses the story of Abraham's journey as an illustration of the need to solidify what has been achieved before moving on to the next conquest. The pastor notes that God is interested not only in the destination but also the process and character development in the journey. He encourages the congregation to have a visionary outlook, patience, persistence, and generosity. The pastor believes that God cannot use a congregation that is not generous towards the work of the Kingdom of God.

The pastor reflects on the journey that the congregation has taken over the past three and a half years and how God has shaped them through this process of building a new church. He emphasizes the importance of generosity towards the work of the Kingdom of God and how God uses tests and trials to prepare and humble us. He also discusses the need for the church to maintain the values of Scripture and be an exemplary church in a time when many are abandoning these values. The pastor invites the congregation to reflect on the path that God has brought them on and consolidate their growth before moving forward. The message ends with a prayer for the Holy Spirit to visit the congregation in the coming year.

The speaker invites members of the worship team and congregation to stand and hold hands. They ask the Holy Spirit to visit them in great ways throughout the year and encourage everyone to pray for their families and loved ones.

I want to share with you a Word tonight and I want to share with you a few words that I hope will be kind of a frame of reference for us in terms of what God has for us this year, how I see this coming year as a Congregation , as a family of God and I want to go to the Book of Genesis chapter 13 and we are going to read verses 1 to 4.

And it's about a time in the life of Abraham and the journey that God had taken him through. Verse 1 says: "So Abraham went up from Egypt to the Negev, he and his wife with all that he had and Lot with him, and Abraham was very rich in cattle, silver and gold. And he returned from his journeys from the Negev to Bethel to the place where his tent had been before between Bethel and Ai to the place of the altar that he had made there before and there Abraham called on the Name of Jehovah."

Other publications related to "Consolidation year":

Dr. Roberto Miranda
Year of consolidation
A Word from the Lord about the need for consolidation in the coming year and the importance of being a visionary church, having patience, persistence, and generosity in fulfilling Gods purposes.

Dr. Roberto Miranda
Year of consolidation (Part 2)
A sermon about the vision and framework for a congregation to solidify and strengthen what has already been gained before moving forward.

Dr. Roberto Miranda
Year of consolidation (Part 3)
The importance of reconsecration and reflection for the congregation at Bethel and specific goals for the year.

Dr. Roberto Miranda
Year of consolidation (Part 3)
In this article, Dr. Roberto Miranda discusses the importance of reconsecration, new beginnings, and renewal of covenants with God for the congregation. He emphasizes the need for reflection, consolidation, and reaffirmation of commitment to being a supernaturally oriented, gift-oriented, charismatic, excellent, and evangelistic people. The article also highlights specific goals for the congregation and the financial challenges they face.

Dr. Roberto Miranda
Year of consolidation (Part 2)
The sermon discusses the concept of consolidation in the Church, using the example of Genesis 13. It emphasizes the importance of being a sign for Gods glory, leading the way in social, moral, and spiritual transformation, and embodying harmony in diversity.

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