An anointed and diverse community (Part 1)

Omar Soto
(Audio: Spanish, English) ->Original

SUMMARY: Today's sermon is about the importance of being baptized in the Holy Spirit and being part of a supernatural community with a supernatural mindset. The baptism by the Holy Spirit occurs when the spirit inserts us into a larger community of people, and this implies using the gifts that God has given us to serve others. It is important to distinguish genuine Christian spirituality from pagan spirituality, which involves manipulation and is focused on the person wielding the magic. Genuine Christian spirituality is focused solely on Jesus, and the fundamental difference is that Jesus is Lord and in control. Different gifts of the Holy Spirit are given to different people, but they are all given for the common good of the entire body of Christ. A supernatural community is a multi-ethnic community and includes people from different socioeconomic backgrounds. To move in the Holy Spirit, we must be baptized into that body and redefine who our people are.

The speaker discusses the importance of being a diverse and anointed community in the body of Christ. He references the story of Jesus getting upset over sales tables being set up in the court of the Gentiles, which was meant to be a space for all people to connect with God. He emphasizes that cultural and ethnic differences should not divide the body of Christ, as we are all called to be citizens of the Kingdom of God. He also mentions that inferiority and superiority complexes can limit our connection with the body of Christ, and encourages people to get involved in various ministries to find their gifts. The speaker ends with a prayer for the spirit of God to do a supernatural work in the church.

Open your Bibles to First Corinthians chapter 12. We're going to make it bilingual today, thank you for your patience. Thank you, we know that many times these days can get a little bit difficult, but today we want to talk about why doing this is so important. You know the pastor has been talking lately about us being a supernatural community with a supernatural mindset and a very important part of that mindset is being baptized in the Holy Spirit.

Now, a question who baptizes us in the Holy Spirit? When we baptize in water, the pastor is the one who does it. So many times when I was young I used to ask the pastor, can you now baptize me in the Holy Spirit? And they were like, no, I'm sorry that's beyond my check.

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