Far from God?

Alberto González Muñoz
Alberto González Muñoz

: Loneliness is the absence of meaningful relationships with the people we would like to have by our side. In today's world, families tend to disintegrate, and emigration separates loved ones. However, God is always available for a constant and vital relationship. Many people believe that God is not interested in relating to them, but this is a mistake. No matter who you are, where you are, or how many mistakes you've made, the path to God is open and available. Repentance is a sure way to restore our relationship with God if it has been damaged. He always has open arms for those who are sorry and want to restore their relationship with Him.

Loneliness is nothing more than the lack of meaningful relationship with the person or people that we would like to have by our side, really communicating with them, expressing our feelings and desires, feeling their affection, their company and availability to talk and understand each other ... .

But another of the bloody realities of life is that sometimes, those people with whom we have a significant relationship, for different reasons, they distance themselves from us. Unlike in ancient times, even the family now tends to disintegrate, creating an affective vacuum that is rarely overcome without a great sense of loss.

"Far from God?":

Alberto González Muñoz
Loneliness is a growing problem in modern life, but seeking a relationship with God can provide love and strength.

Alberto González Muñoz
God's presence
Learn how to have a true and personal relationship with God and experience His presence and blessings in your life. Going to church is not necessary.

Alberto González Muñoz
If we stay alone
Article discussing the common problem of family separation due to emigration and how strengthening our relationship with God can provide comfort, hope, and strength.