
Alberto González Muñoz
Alberto González Muñoz

SUMMARY: Loneliness is a growing problem in modern life, despite the age of communication. We must strive to maintain warm relationships with those around us and not isolate ourselves. However, the greatest need is to have a good relationship with God, who is an inexhaustible source of love and strength. Seeking God is a quick remedy for loneliness, as his company will never fail us. It is comforting to know that God is always there and only a prayer away.

One of the great problems of modern life is loneliness. We can be surrounded by thousands of people and feel alone. Despite living in the age of communications, true human communication is in crisis.

My wife and I visited a friend couple abroad. After years without seeing each other, it was exciting to meet and see that although we live far away and do not see each other often, our relationship remains alive and strong. However, they said their biggest problem was loneliness. "We don't know a single person in the neighborhood," they said sadly. They never see anyone when they enter or leave their home. They have no new friends. The sad thing is that they have lived in the same house for almost nine years.

Other publications related to "Loneliness":

Alberto González Muñoz
Far from God?
Article about the importance of a relationship with God for combating loneliness

Alberto González Muñoz
If we stay alone
Article discussing the common problem of family separation due to emigration and how strengthening our relationship with God can provide comfort, hope, and strength.