If we stay alone

Alberto González Muñoz
Alberto González Muñoz

SUMMARY: Family separation due to emigration is a common problem, with many parents being separated from their children. This can be a heartbreaking experience, but strengthening our relationship with God can provide comfort, hope, and strength. Psalm 27:10 teaches us that even if our loved ones leave us, God will pick us up. While the circumstances causing the separation may not have a prompt solution, communion with God can help fill the emotional void. Jesus spoke of the comfort that the Holy Spirit can provide in times of separation. With God, we are never alone or without protection.

One of the great problems that Cubans, like many other nationalities, have had to face is family separation. The development of communications and international transport, as well as the disparity of economic conditions between the first world countries and the rest, have caused many people to leave their countries of origin in search of a better life for themselves and their families. < ! - break -> The saddest thing of all is that not all families manage to emigrate completely. On many occasions, parents see their children or the children of one of their parents emigrate, and a separation begins that does not always end in a happy reunion, since many circumstances prevent it.

I met a Guatemalan mother in New Jersey who longs to be reunited with her four children, whom she has not seen for several years. Her story sensitized my heart because it is the same as many Cuban men and women I know. She sacrifices herself and works hard, but the absence of her children is a heartbreaking experience. When will you be able to hug them? We really don't know. Meanwhile, she provides for her needs and hopes for a miracle from God that will spark the family reunion.

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