King James Version
If a man also or a woman have in the skin of their flesh bright spots, even white bright spots;(Levítico 13:38)
Then the priest shall look: and, behold, if the bright spots in the skin of their flesh be darkish white; it is a freckled spot that groweth in the skin; he is clean.(Levítico 13:39)
And the man whose hair is fallen off his head, he is bald; yet is he clean.(Levítico 13:40)
And he that hath his hair fallen off from the part of his head toward his face, he is forehead bald: yet is he clean.
And if there be in the bald head, or bald forehead, a white reddish sore; it is a leprosy sprung up in his bald head, or his bald forehead.(Levítico 13:42)
Then the priest shall look upon it: and, behold, if the rising of the sore be white reddish in his bald head, or in his bald forehead, as the leprosy appeareth in the skin of the flesh;(Levítico 13:43)
He is a leprous man, he is unclean: the priest shall pronounce him utterly unclean; his plague is in his head.(Levítico 13:44)

Otras publicaciones relacionadas con "Levítico 13:41":

Dr. Roberto Miranda
Dios quiere que se levante un pueblo que no tenga nada que perder
En este artículo, el Dr. Roberto Miranda habla sobre cómo Dios quiere levantar un pueblo sin nada que perder para usarlo en grandes cosas. Para lograrlo, debemos buscar la santificación y renunciar a los placeres mundanos, confiando en el poder del Espíritu Santo.

Omar Soto
Una fe atrevida recibe su recompensa
El autor habla sobre la historia de la mujer que tocó el borde del manto de Jesús y su fe atrevida para alcanzarlo, y cómo esto puede aplicarse a la vida de los lectores. También habla sobre la gracia inusual de Dios y la necesidad de buscar a Jesús para recibir su respuesta y recompensa.

Levítico 13:41 - Referencia Cruzada