the gift of tongues

Dr. Roberto Miranda
(Audio: Spanish)

SUMMARY: In his final sermon on the gifts of the Holy Spirit, the preacher discusses the last two gifts mentioned in Chapter 12, verse 10: divers kinds of tongues and interpretation of tongues. These gifts are given by the Holy Spirit to the church to move in a supernatural dimension and fulfill its tasks, to address crises and needs, and to impact the world with manifestations of God's power. The preacher explains that tongues are a sign from God of supernatural communication, and can be human languages or new, unique spiritual tongues. The Apostle Paul clarifies in First Corinthians Chapter 14 how the gift of tongues should be manifested in the context of congregational worship, and the preacher notes that excesses and errors need to be corrected. Overall, the gifts of the Holy Spirit are specific provisions of power that require anointing and abundance of God's power to manifest.

Speaking in tongues is a way to communicate with God beyond human language and reason. It allows for the expression of inner feelings and experiences in a brand new, private language. The ability to speak in tongues is within everyone, but it requires letting go of mental control and having a childlike spirit. It is not necessary to be in a state of ecstasy to speak in tongues, and it can be used to communicate with God in a looser, more spontaneous, and fluent way. Tongues interpretation means the spiritually God-given ability to interpret, not translate, word for word, but interpret what that other person has said in the spirit. This interpretation is not a word-for-word translation, but an interpretation of the feeling and essence of the communication taking place between God and the individual speaking in tongues. The gift of tongues is important and useful, but it is not the only gift of the Holy Spirit.

Speaking in tongues is a gift from God that can be beneficial in worship and prayer, but it is not the only important gift. The most important thing is to use the gifts for the building up of the church and to prioritize edification, love, character, and other aspects of the Christian life. Speaking in tongues can help with emotional healing and is an exercise for the spirit, but it should be practiced in private or in a public context with interpretation. Everyone has the right to use the gift of tongues and should dare to use it in faith. Music and worship can also be a form of tongues and can glorify God. Ultimately, we should surrender our lives to God and declare his lordship over all.

We surrender our lives to God and adore Him. We praise and glorify Him, and revel in His presence. We ask for healing and will always serve Him. God is holy and deserving of all praise.

Today, I end this series on the gifts of the Holy Spirit specifically, the gifts of the Holy Spirit. By the way, tomorrow I leave for Puerto Rico. I'm going to be preaching there at the Barbara Anne Rossler Church. It is the second time I go. I was there about a year ago, more or less, a year and something, it was a great blessing. They invited me to preach again and in fact some of the brothers there, the pastors have been watching this series on the baptism of the Holy Spirit, the gifts of the Holy Spirit and they asked me to preach there also on this subject.

So pray for God to use these teachings and that they may be a blessing to our brothers in Puerto Rico. And I want to finish this morning with these last two gifts that are recorded here in Chapter 12, verse 10. We have talked lately among other gifts: the working of miracles, prophecy, the last time we talked about the discerning of spirits, diacriseis pneumaton, as it says in the original Greek, discernment, separation of spirits.

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