the gift of prophecy

Dr. Roberto Miranda
(Audio: Spanish)

SUMMARY: The gift of prophecy is the special ability that God gives to members of the body of Christ to receive and communicate an immediate message from God to an individual, group of people, or congregation for a specific purpose. These purposes can include confrontation, edification, or consolation. The prophetic gift can also include communication of doctrine. The speaker encourages the proper use and understanding of the gifts of the Holy Spirit, and the need for pastoral care and counseling in the modern world. The church is encouraged to take advantage of and use these gifts for the edification of the people of God.

The gift of prophecy is a special ability given by God to communicate an immediate message for a specific purpose such as confrontation, edification, consolation, direction, instruction, or commission. Prophecy exists because God is a communicative God who speaks and communicates his truth in history. Prophecy supplements but is inferior to God's general revelation, the Bible. It is important to discern if a prophetic word aligns with the word of God and to have spiritual discernment in these dangerous times.

The gift of prophecy is a way for God to communicate with His people and provide direction. It can be used to inform, advise, and warn individuals and congregations. Prophecy can be declaring or predicting, and it can unleash things in time and space. The Bible is unquestionable, but prophecy must be discerned and judged. The gift of prophecy exists to help the church in evangelization and daily life. However, it can be dangerous if not handled with maturity and sobriety, as some people may wrongly believe they have the gift or emotionally unstable people may put it in disrepute.

The gift of prophecy is important but can also be harmful if not exercised properly. Emotionally unstable individuals who use the gift can cause damage, and prophetic gifts should always be subordinate to pastoral authority in the church. Prophecy should be exercised with reason, aesthetics, order, and evangelistic effectiveness. The use of gifts should bring blessings to God's people and not harm them. Paul's advice to examine everything and hold fast to the good should be followed. Prophets should prophesy naturally, hold onto their shepherd, prophesy with humility and a pastoral heart, and grow in their biblical knowledge and spiritual maturity. Directives should be given with proper care and humility, and prophesying should not seek to embarrass or harm anyone. Overall, prophecy should seek to bless and lift up, not run over.

To exercise the gift of prophecy, one should grow in biblical knowledge and spiritual maturity, cultivate the fruit of the spirit, beware of spiritual pride and directive prophecies. It is important to discern what is divine and what is circumstantial. Use the gift with humility, love, and simplicity, and ask for confirmation from God. Exercise the gift to grow in wisdom and experience. Overall, the prophetic gift should be used for the edification of the church and to glorify God.

Lord's word. First Corinthians, Chapter 12, you know that by heart, I guess, right? They already put their finger there with their eyes closed and boom.. the Bible opens to First Corinthians, Chapter 12.

It's taken me a little longer than I anticipated to get to through this Chapter but it is because there is so much substance, and so much to learn. And I believe that what we are doing among other things is laying the foundation for the proper use and proper understanding of the gifts of the Holy Spirit, and how our church is to move in them.

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