invisible chains

Gilberto Samano
(Audio: Spanish)

SUMMARY: The speaker thanks everyone for the opportunity to share a message and invites the audience to open their hearts and Bibles to John 8. He notes that there are people who come to church for routine and those who come seeking God, but sometimes they don't feel his presence. He discusses confusion in the world and how some people think freedom can be bought with a pill, but true freedom comes from faith. He talks about the perfect will of God and how it is for us to be victorious and prosperous. He encourages the audience to confess what God's word says and to believe in his promises. He also talks about the battle against sin and how true freedom comes from the son setting us free.

The speaker talks about the deeper freedom from sin that Jesus offers and how Christians are in a spiritual battle. He emphasizes the importance of knowing the weapons of one's faith and relying on the word of God. He also acknowledges that Christians may face bitterness, pain, and even feelings of abandonment from God during their battles. The speaker then discusses the visible and invisible chains that can prevent Christians from feeling free and close to God. He encourages listeners to identify and remove these chains with the help of Jesus. The sermon ends with a call to prayer for those struggling with anxiety and other invisible chains.

The speaker is preaching about the power of Jesus to break chains and bring freedom in people's lives. He prays for those who are struggling with anxiety and other issues, and encourages musicians to use their talents for God's glory. He calls for people to raise their hands if they have a special need, and leads a prayer for someone who is well-chained and needs to be set free. He proclaims liberation and freedom in the name of Jesus.

Thank God for this opportunity and I want to enter immediately taking advantage of the time, I thank you, yesterday speaking with Pastor Miranda, he gave me all his fine attention and I thank all brothers for their attention, all the pastors, I feel at home. I feel at home, I feel comfortable, I feel part of you. I feel part of you and if you were for me this morning I want to share with you the message that God has given me and I want you, brothers, to open your hearts.

How many have come for God to deal with their lives? There are people who go to church just for routine, but there are people who go to church looking for God. And there are people who find God and there are people who do not find or feel God. and brothers, it is sad to say that there are many people who really need the presence of God in their lives.

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