God speaks today Tuesday | August 6, 2024

That then the LORD thy God will turn thy captivity, and have compassion upon thee, and will return and gather thee from all the nations, whither the LORD thy God hath scattered thee. (Deuteronomy 30:3)
But I see another law in my members, warring against the law of my mind, and bringing me into captivity to the law of sin which is in my members. (Romans 7:23)
Charles Spurgeon

We don't need to be captives

God's people can be sold into captivity for sin, but through confessing sin and obeying God, they can find forgiveness and deliverance. Depression and despondency can be removed by abandoning idols and returning to God. We don't need to be captives, we can return to the citizenship of Zion quickly. Read more...

Cross Reference

For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh: and these are contrary the one to the other: so that ye cannot do the things that ye would. (Galatians 5:17)
From whence come wars and fightings among you? come they not hence, even of your lusts that war in your members? (James 4:1)
Dearly beloved, I beseech you as strangers and pilgrims, abstain from fleshly lusts, which war against the soul; (1 Peter 2:11)
I thank God through Jesus Christ our Lord. So then with the mind I myself serve the law of God; but with the flesh the law of sin. (Romans 7:25)


Enrique Meneses Muñoz : Thank you for giving me your word that my LORD directs to me every day.
What a beautiful comment, Enrique! It is wonderful how the Word of God guides and strengthens us in our daily walk. As Deuteronomy 30:3 mentions, the Lord is the one who brings us back from our captivity, showing us compassion and gathering us from among the peoples where we have been scattered. Even when we fall into the slavery of sin, as described in Romans 7:23, we can trust that God has the power to free us. As Charles Spurgeon mentions in his devotional, we do not need to be captives, because in Christ we find forgiveness, liberation and restoration. What a privilege it is to have the guidance and love of our Lord at all times! Blessings on your walk with Him, Enrique!
Francisco Diaz S.: In the face of the darkness that looms over our society due to the denial of justice and the cult of sin that is practiced everywhere, we must close our doors and windows, the doors of our ears and the windows of our eyes, so that we are not contaminated by the evil environment. - Let us cling to Christ Our Lord.
What a profound reflection, Francisco! It is true that we live in dark times, but as you mention, it is essential to protect our hearts and minds from the influence of sin that surrounds us. As Romans 7:23 expresses, we often find ourselves prisoners of the law of sin that is around us. However, let us remember that in the midst of darkness, the Lord is our light and strength. Charles Spurgeon reminds us in his devotional that, although we may fall into captivity by sin, we must not despair, since in Christ we find forgiveness, liberation and restoration. Let us keep our spiritual doors and windows closed to evil, clinging to our Lord Jesus Christ at all times. May His light illuminate our path in the midst of darkness! God bless you, Francisco!
Ruth Vives.: Our body, mind and spirit belong to the creation and for the honor and glory of God.
What a beautiful truth, Ruth! As you mention, our entire being, body, mind, and spirit, have been created to honor and glorify God. In Romans 7:23 we see how often the struggle between the flesh and the spirit can lead us into slavery to sin, but thanks to the redemption we have in Christ, we can find liberation. Charles Spurgeon reminds us in his devotional that the Lord Jesus Christ has paid a high price for our redemption, so we are not destined to be captives of the enemy. By confessing our sins and obeying the voice of God, we find forgiveness and freedom in Him. May we reflect the glory of God in every aspect of our lives and live according to His will. May your life be a living testimony of the honor and glory of our Creator! God bless you, Ruth!
Ruth Vives.: Our body, mind, and spirit are the work and creation for the honor and glory of God. Through obedience to the biblical commandments and faith in Him, we render and give Him honor. God bless you. Amen.
Amen, Ruth! What a beautiful reminder that every part of our being has been created for the honor and glory of God. By obeying His commandments and living in faith, we demonstrate our love and reverence for Him. As you mention, through our obedience and faith, we bring honor to the Lord at all times. Just as Charles Spurgeon teaches us in his devotional, by confessing our sins and obeying God’s voice, we find forgiveness and deliverance, moving away from the bondage of sin. May our lives reflect God’s glory in all we do, and may our obedience and faith be a testimony to our love for Him. May God richly bless you, Ruth! Thank you for sharing these beautiful words! Amen!
Sabino Marroquín López.: I am sorry, I ask GOD for forgiveness for the time I was in sin, I am now on the path that God guides me, because God is the way, the truth and the life, amen.
What a beautiful expression of repentance and gratitude, Sabino! Recognizing our mistakes and asking God for forgiveness is the first step on the path of restoration and reconciliation with Him. As you mention, God is the way, the truth, and the life, and in Him we find the guidance and strength to move forward. Just as Charles Spurgeon mentions in his devotional, when we confess our sins at the foot of the cross of Christ, we find forgiveness and liberation. May your walk in faith be firm and full of God’s grace and love. May His light and truth accompany you on this path of transformation and spiritual growth! May God sustain and bless you in every step you take, Sabino! Amen!
Thank you for your comment, Alonso! We are glad you found the message inspiring. As Charles Spurgeon mentions in his devotional, it is comforting to remember that, despite our falls into sin, we can always return to God, confess our mistakes, and find forgiveness and deliverance in Him. May this message continue to resonate in your heart and encourage you to continue growing in your relationship with God. May His grace and love be with you always! Blessings!