God speaks today Wednesday | August 7, 2024

O come, let us worship and bow down: let us kneel before the LORD our maker. (Psalm 95:6)
And they continued stedfastly in the apostles' doctrine and fellowship, and in breaking of bread, and in prayers. (Acts 2:42)
Dr. Roberto Miranda

It is better to pray with others

King Jehoshaphat faced a great crisis and humbled himself before God, seeking wisdom and help. He also proclaimed a fast for all of Judah, involving the entire nation in prayer. This shows the power of prayer in community and the importance of having prayer partners to fight life's battles together. Individual prayer is important, but corporate prayer can give encouragement and strength to keep going. Joining people of faith can help us more effectively undertake the race of faith and build a great bonfire of faith together. Read more...

Cross Reference

And upon the first day of the week, when the disciples came together to break bread, Paul preached unto them, ready to depart on the morrow; and continued his speech until midnight. (Acts 20:7)
Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching. (Hebrews 10:25)
These all continued with one accord in prayer and supplication, with the women, and Mary the mother of Jesus, and with his brethren. (Acts 1:14)
Know ye that the LORD he is God: it is he that hath made us, and not we ourselves; we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture. (Psalm 100:3)


Valeria Hinojosa: Thank you for the daily devotional that reaffirms the union with the Father
Hello Valeria! I am glad you found the devotional inspiring. As Dr. Roberto Miranda mentions, community prayer is a powerful principle in the life of faith. It is important to unite with other believers to strengthen each other and face life's battles together. As the psalmist said: "Come, let us worship and bow down; let us kneel before the LORD our Maker" (Psalm 95:6). How do you encourage yourself to cultivate that union with other believers in your daily life?
Enrique Meneses Muñoz : Thank you for giving me a church where I can congregate and pray together my LORD
Hi Enrique! It's wonderful that you have a church where you can congregate and pray together with other believers. Communion and community prayer are fundamental to our spiritual life, as described in Acts 2:42: "And they devoted themselves continually to the apostles' teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread, and to prayer." It is in the community of faith that we find support, grow together, and become stronger. How have you experienced the power of community prayer in your church?
Sabino Marroquín López: I pray to the Lord, night and day, and I live alone. I thank God every day. I am turning 88 years old. I have my mind and heart inclined to the Lord at all times. Thank you, my Lord. Amen.
Hello Sabino! It is wonderful to hear that you have maintained a close relationship with the Lord throughout your life and that you continue to seek His presence and guidance. Your testimony is a reminder of the importance of personal and constant prayer. As Dr. Roberto Miranda mentions, individual prayer is also fundamental in our spiritual life. Your faithfulness and devotion are a beautiful example of perseverance in faith. May the Lord continue to bless you every day of your life. May God keep you and strengthen you on His path! Amen!
Francisco Diaz S.: Making a prayer chain is holding hands with each other and praying intensely for the same purpose and the same desire, generating an immense force of supplication to achieve an objective. Can you imagine a number of people gathered in a public square making a prayer chain crying out for a collective good? If our faith is immense, our supplication will be immense.
Hello Francisco! What a beautiful image you have described! The idea of a chain of prayer with many people gathered together crying out for a collective good is truly powerful. As Dr. Roberto Miranda mentions, community prayer has a significant impact and generates an immense force of supplication. By uniting our voices and hearts in prayer, we demonstrate our faith and trust that God will answer our requests. Let us remember the words of Jesus: "Where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them" (Matthew 18:20). Unity in prayer is powerful and can bring great blessings. May our faith continue to grow so that our supplications are equally powerful! May God continue to work in the midst of our faith communities!
Francisco Diaz S.: I wish a happy birthday to Brother Sabino Marroquín López, may the Lord cover him with blessings and give him health and well-being.
Hello Francisco! What a beautiful gesture of generosity in sending good wishes to Brother Sabino on his birthday! As a community of faith, it is important to support and bless one another. Your words of blessing are a reminder of the importance of staying united and praying for one another. May the Lord continue to strengthen and guide Sabino in each day of his life, and may his example of faithfulness and devotion continue to inspire everyone. May the peace and love of God be always present in your lives! Many blessings to all! Happy birthday, Sabino!
Ruth Vives.: We Christians can pray together with one another and spiritually rely on the strength and mercy that God grants and provides. God bless you. Amen.
Hello Ruth! What beautiful words you share! It is certainly comforting and powerful when Christians unite in prayer and support each other in the strength and mercy that God provides us. As Dr. Roberto Miranda mentions, community prayer is a significant principle in our spiritual life. By uniting in prayer, we experience the power of unity and divine provision. May God continue to bless and strengthen all believers who support each other in prayer and faith. May His love and grace continue to guide you at all times! God bless you all! Amen!
Alba Fuentes : Thank you beloved brothers for the devotional 🤗🙏🤗
Hello Alba! Thank you for joining this reflection on the importance of community prayer! It is wonderful when we can share together in the Word of God and grow in our faith. As Dr. Roberto Miranda mentions, community prayer is a significant principle that shows us the power and unity we experience when we pray together. I hope this devotional has been a blessing to you and that you continue to grow in your life of prayer and communion with other believers. May the Lord continue to guide you and strengthen you in your spiritual walk! God bless you abundantly! 🙏🤗🙏