God speaks today Tuesday | July 30, 2024

But do thou for me, O GOD the Lord, for thy name's sake: because thy mercy is good, deliver thou me. (Psalm 109:21)
That they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us: that the world may believe that thou hast sent me. (John 17:21)
Faustino de Jesús Zamora Vargas

Imitating Christ - United we are the majority!

The lack of unity among Christians is a reason why the world resists believing in Christ. We need to focus on Christ and His redemptive work, leaving behind differences and simplicities. Christ prayed for our unity, and it is a testimony of credibility for the world. We are the majority when we walk with Christ, and nothing can prevail against us. Read more...

Cross Reference

Only let your conversation be as it becometh the gospel of Christ: that whether I come and see you, or else be absent, I may hear of your affairs, that ye stand fast in one spirit, with one mind striving together for the faith of the gospel; (Philippians 1:27)
And now I am no more in the world, but these are in the world, and I come to thee. Holy Father, keep through thine own name those whom thou hast given me, that they may be one, as we are. (John 17:11)
Where there is neither Greek nor Jew, circumcision nor uncircumcision, Barbarian, Scythian, bond nor free: but Christ is all, and in all. (Colossians 3:11)
But if I do, though ye believe not me, believe the works: that ye may know, and believe, that the Father is in me, and I in him. (John 10:38)


Carlos A. Borja Flores: One of the things I like about these devotionals is that they say things as they should be. Some would say, they put the dots on the i's. Indeed, the great problem that we evangelical Christian churches have is the lack of unity, we all want to have our particular ways of understanding Christianity. May the Holy Spirit make us meditate deeply on His Word, such as 1 Corinthians 1:10, John 17:23, and other verses on the subject. May the Holy Spirit make us understand that the only visible head in the Church is Jesus Christ and not any denomination.
What an interesting reflection, Carlos A. Borja Flores! It is true that the lack of unity among Christian churches often becomes an obstacle to transmitting the message of Christ effectively. As Faustino de Jesús Zamora Vargas mentions in his devotional, unity among believers is essential for the world to believe in Christ. Doctrinal differences and divisions can lead people away from the faith. Let us remember what it says in John 17:21, "that they may all be one. As You, Father, are in Me and I in You, may they also be in Us, so that the world may believe that You have sent Me." It is important to seek that unity in Christ, putting aside our differences to glorify His name and bring His message of love and redemption to all. May the Holy Spirit guide us on this path of unity in Christ!
Enrique Meneses Muñoz : Thank you for your word my LORD. I adore you GOD.
Enrique Meneses Muñoz, your gratitude and adoration toward God are beautiful displays of faith. As Faustino de Jesús Zamora Vargas mentions in his devotional, unity in Christ makes us the majority and allows us to reflect God's love and grace to the world. Let us remember the words of Psalm 109:21, "But You, O Lord GOD, do me good for Your name's sake; Deliver me, for Your loving-kindness is good." May your adoration and gratitude, Enrique, be an expression of that unity in Christ that gives us strength and allows us to experience His goodness and mercy. May the peace and love of God always be with you!
Francisco Diaz S.: Everyone believes himself to be the owner of the truth in his own way. Many pastors and ministers deify themselves by feeling that they are the owners of the truth. If we call ourselves Christians, the truth is one; the life and work of our Lord Jesus Christ because He is the way of truth and life. We are Christians and we follow Christ. HALLELUJAH.
What an accurate reflection, Francisco Díaz S.! As you mention, we often fall into the trap of believing that we have the absolute truth and we cling to our personal interpretations. However, as Faustino de Jesús Zamora Vargas reminds us in his devotional, true unity in Christ is based on following his life and work, recognizing that He is the only way, the truth, and the life. By following Christ, as you mention, we find true unity and direction in our faith. May humility and love for Christ guide us on our journey as Christians. Let us remember the words of Faustino de Jesús Zamora Vargas: "To be perfect in unity is to leave differences and simplicities behind and focus on Christ, on his redemptive work for humanity, on his message of reconciliation for all men." Blessings on your walk with Christ, Francisco!
Ruth Vives : We must be united to speak of the good news and preach the word to all with dignity, respect, faith and kindness. God bless you. Amen.
What a beautiful comment, Ruth Vives. Your call for unity to proclaim the good news and preach the Word with dignity, respect, faith and kindness is fundamental to the work of every believer. As Faustino de Jesús Zamora Vargas mentions in his devotional, unity among Christians is essential for the message of Christ to be credible and impactful to the world. Let us remember the passage in John 17:23, where Jesus prays to the Father for the unity of his people, so that the world may believe in Him. May love, kindness and unity in Christ guide our actions and words as we share the gospel. May God bless you in your service, Ruth! Amen!
Iris: The Bible says that false prophets, enchanters, etc. will come. Unfortunately, the Christian people of these times have allowed themselves to be distracted by the wiles of the enemy, because they stopped reading the word and congregating, they have placed their gaze on the pastor and not on God and the churches do not preach about salvation and truth, many ministries in the world have been in charge of preaching for prosperity and competing who has the largest church, and the people who do not have intimacy with God, lukewarm Christians, who do not know who to believe, if the Bible were read and if we put our gaze and trust in a living God, and obeyed the word of unity, love, humility, The churches where the pastor exhorts, preaches to the people that in order to be blessed, there are sacrifices, obedience, they do not go, they only want miracles, prosperity, etc. They are so far from the presence of God that the Holy Spirit is contrite and they go from church to church looking for ministers where they can receive that miracle they so need, where the pastor does not know his sheep because he does not have time and is not interested, and the congregations where the pastor really preaches the truth and cares about the salvation and soul and needs of his sheep. They do not attend or go to those. Because we have to go where they are going to talk to me about the financial miracle, Starting with the fact that they do not tithe as they should, there is resentment, envy, selfishness and lack of knowledge because if we have the father who is the owner of our lives and the bible says that we as his children born again because on the cross of Calvary he paid for us, he only asks us for faith, to believe, to obey, to fulfill his commandments to the letter and we as his baptized children have the authority to face everything that the enemy wants to do to us, It is very sad but in the Christian churches a spirit of idolatry, adultery, fraud, deception etc. has arisen, Where the world sees us as fanatics and scammers. I long for those times of the ministries of pastor Yiye Avila where salvation was preached and there was humility, love, unity. Where they cared about helping those souls that were lost. But the bible talks about everything This will end love and sin and apostasy will come. May God have mercy on us because as we know His word, the judgments will be stronger.
Thank you for sharing your reflections, Iris. It is true that challenges have arisen within Christian churches today, such as a lack of focus on the true preaching of the Word and the search for miracles and material prosperity above the intimate relationship with God. As Faustino de Jesús Zamora Vargas mentions in his devotional, unity in Christ is essential to maintain the integrity and true teaching of the gospel. It is important to remember that, as you mention, fidelity to the Word, humility, love and unity are fundamental in the Christian life. Let us turn our eyes to God and His Word, to discern the true from the false and walk in His light. Let us remember the words of Faustino de Jesús Zamora Vargas: "The unity of believers bears witness that Christ is real in the life of his church." May God's mercy guide and strengthen us in the midst of challenges, and may we be instruments of His love and truth in a world that so needs it. May God bless you, Iris!
Pedro Acosta: Thank you very much for your devotionals, brother Faustino de Jesus. They are always very direct and edifying. May God continue to bless you with wisdom to minister to all of us who read you.
Pedro Acosta, thank you for your positive comment on Faustino de Jesús Zamora Vargas' devotionals. It is comforting to know that his words are edifying and inspiring for your spiritual life. As Faustino de Jesús Zamora Vargas mentioned in his devotional, unity in Christ strengthens us and allows us to share the message of hope and love with others. May the wisdom and blessings of God continue to accompany Faustino de Jesús Zamora Vargas in his work of ministering through his writings, and may his message continue to reach those who need words of encouragement and guidance in their walk of faith. May the peace and grace of God fill your life, Pedro! Blessings!
Ma Esther : Beautiful word of God, may he bless you and continue with this beautiful ministry for us. 🙏🏻
Ma Esther, thank you for your words of appreciation for the Word of God and the ministry that is shared through these devotionals. It is inspiring to see how the Word of God can touch hearts and bring blessing to those who receive it. As Faustino de Jesús Zamora Vargas mentions in his devotional, unity in Christ allows us to reflect His love and grace in everything we do. May God's blessings continue to flow into your life and into the lives of all those who approach His Word. May His peace and love always be present in your daily walk. May God richly bless you, Ma Esther! 🙏🏻
Alba Fuentes : God bless your lives beloved brothers 🤗❤️ thank you for the meditation, it is sad that in the body of Christ there is no unity that Christ told his disciples to be one just as the father and He were one, 🙏each congregation believes itself to be unique and whoever takes advantage is the enemy 🥹🥹😭
Alba Fuentes, thank you for your thoughtful and truthful comment. It is certainly sad to see the lack of unity in the body of Christ, when Jesus himself called us to be one, reflecting the unity between Him and the Father. As Faustino de Jesús Zamora Vargas mentions in his devotional, unity among believers is essential to testify to the truthfulness of Christ in our lives. Let us hope and pray that unity, love, and humility prevail in the body of Christ, so that together we can confront the wiles of the enemy and glorify the name of our Lord. May the peace and grace of God be with you at all times, Alba. 🙏❤️ God bless you abundantly!
Alba Fuentes : We must pray without fainting for the unity of the body of Christ amen amen 🙏❤️
Amen, Alba Fuentes. What a beautiful call to constant prayer for the unity of the body of Christ! As Faustino de Jesús Zamora Vargas mentions in his devotional, unity in Christ is essential for the world to believe in Him. Let us continue to pray without ceasing for that unity, so that together we can reflect the love and grace of our Lord. May our prayers be like pleasing incense before God, and may He strengthen unity among believers for His glory. May the peace and love of God continue to guide your steps, Alba! 🙏❤️ God bless you richly!
Tatybaeza : Your messages are very interesting to me, many blessings.
Tatybaeza, we are glad to know that the messages and devotionals shared here are of interest and blessing to you. The Word of God always has something special for each one of us, and it is wonderful when we can find inspiration and reflection through it. May the blessings and wisdom of God continue to accompany you on your spiritual journey. May His light illuminate your life and guide you at all times. May the peace of God overflow in your heart! Blessings!