God speaks today Monday | July 29, 2024

Then said David to the Philistine, Thou comest to me with a sword, and with a spear, and with a shield: but I come to thee in the name of the LORD of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom thou hast defied. (1 Samuel 17:45)
Watch ye, stand fast in the faith, quit you like men, be strong. (1 Corinthians 16:13)
Dr. Roberto Miranda

Do your part, and God will do his

When facing a challenge, it's important to know your opponent's weapons and your own strengths. As a pastor planning a new temple, I had to be very detail-oriented and work with financial consultants to navigate the economic crisis. God promises wisdom and direction, but also wants us to use our understanding and common sense. When we combine God's power with our efforts and knowledge of His Word, we can overcome any obstacle. Read more...

Cross Reference

Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the LORD thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest. (Joshua 1:9)
Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. (Ephesians 6:10)
Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. (Ephesians 6:13)
Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage. (Galatians 5:1)


Nelson Castillo : Daily spiritual nourishment is vital in my life and I know that in many of us we await it with pleasure and great faith. May God continue to bless you brothers.
Hello Nelson Castillo! Thank you for sharing your reflection on the importance of daily spiritual nourishment in your life and in the lives of many others. In relation to your comment, Dr. Roberto Miranda's devotional reminds us of the importance of being prepared and diligent in our plans and decisions, trusting in God's wisdom. As mentioned in 1 Corinthians 16:13, it is essential to remain alert, firm in faith, and strong. May God's blessing continue to accompany you on your spiritual journey. God bless you!
Carlos A. Borja Flores: As Christians, we can run the risk of getting involved in plans and works without first considering our strengths and weaknesses and how we should use them according to God's purposes. We must always rest in doing God's will in God's time.
Hello Carlos A. Borja Flores! Thank you for your insightful reflection. Indeed, it is crucial as Christians to reflect and meditate on our strengths and weaknesses before embarking on plans and works, as Dr. Roberto Miranda mentions in his devotional. It is essential to trust in God's will and in His timing, as 1 Samuel 17:45 reminds us, where David trusted in the Lord in his confrontation with Goliath. May divine wisdom guide you in your decisions and actions. God bless you abundantly!
Sabino Marroquín López: I feel happy to be on God's path, the Lord has saved my life on several occasions, I have been on the brink of death, I think that God has me for something good, which is to help poor families, so that their children have their daily bread and do not turn to crime, amen.
Hello Sabino Marroquín López! Thank you for sharing your testimony of gratitude toward God and your desire to serve others. It is wonderful to see how you have experienced God's faithfulness and care in your life. As Dr. Roberto Miranda's devotional mentions, God enables us to face challenges and fulfill the purposes He has for us. Your desire to help needy families demonstrates a generous and compassionate heart, reflecting God's love. May the Lord continue to guide you and bless your work on behalf of others. May God continue to strengthen your path and your ministry! Blessings!
Francisco Diaz S.: We must invoke God's protection to carry out our projects, having faith, perseverance and good planning, with God's favor we achieve our purposes.
Hello Francisco Díaz S.! Thank you for your insightful comment. It is essential, as Dr. Roberto Miranda mentions in his devotional, to invoke God's protection, have faith and perseverance, and plan well in our projects. We trust in God's wisdom and favor to achieve our purposes, as mentioned in 1 Corinthians 16:13. May the Lord continue to guide your steps and bless your efforts in everything you undertake. May God strengthen you and accompany you in every step you take! Blessings!
Iris: The word tells us to prepare for battle, whatever circumstance we are going through, or that is presented to us in life, we cannot let ourselves be overcome by fear or dread, we must learn to trust that God is fighting at our side and ask him to show us the strategies and weapons that we must use to face the different situations, but he also gives us the word that we must fight for what he wants to give us, always go to his presence so that he can show us the path to follow, having the faith certainty that victory is ours and that what he promises, he fulfills it And always resist the snares of the enemy trusting that he is always fighting at our side. Prayer, reading the word, fasting, vigil, That is our greatest weapon
Hello Iris! Thank you for sharing your inspiring and faith-filled reflection. I agree with you that it is essential to prepare ourselves for the battles of life, trusting that God is at our side and equipping us with the necessary strategies and weapons. As you mention, prayer, reading the Word, fasting, and vigil are powerful spiritual tools that strengthen us in the daily struggle. Your message reflects a deep trust in the power and faithfulness of God, reminding us that victory is ours when we trust in Him. May you continue to persevere in your faith and in your search for God's will in every step you take. May God richly bless you in your spiritual journey and in your daily battles! Blessings!
Ruth Vives.: In the name of God and with Him. Through faith all our struggles will be attended to and overcome with mercy. God bless you. Amen.
Hello Ruth Vives! Thank you for your comment full of faith and confidence in God's power to attend to and overcome all our struggles with mercy. It is beautiful to see how your message reflects a deep dependence on God and an attitude of gratitude and blessing. May that unwavering faith continue to guide you on your path and may the peace and favor of the Lord accompany you in every battle you face. May God bless you abundantly and sustain you with his love and grace! Amen!
Rocío Trejo : Through Pastor Roberto Miranda's devotional, God shows us that He is always by our side, no matter how big or small our struggles or battles are, He is always there by our side. God bless you always.
Hello Rocio Trejo! Thank you for sharing your reflection on Pastor Roberto Miranda's devotional. It is comforting to remember that God is always at our side, in each of our battles and struggles, no matter how great. Your message reflects a deep trust in the constant presence of God in our lives, giving us comfort and strength at all times. May the certainty of God's closeness fill you with peace and confidence in the midst of your challenges. May the grace and blessings of the Lord always accompany you! God bless you richly!
Alba Fuentes : Thank God for meditating on the word, we must strive and be very brave because our God has promised to be with us every day ❤️🙏
Hello Alba Fuentes! Thank you for your beautiful comment full of gratitude and faith in God's promise to be with us at all times. It is comforting to remember that we can trust in the faithfulness and constant accompaniment of our Lord. May that certainty of God's presence fill you with courage and strength in every day of your life. May you continue to move forward with faith and determination, knowing that God goes before you in every step you take! May God bless you abundantly and fill you with his love and peace! 🙏❤️
Pastora Maria Laverde: Thank you. It is a blessing for our lives.
Hello Pastor Maria Laverde! Thank you for your comment! It is wonderful to see how reflecting on the word of God can be a true blessing for our lives. May you continue to be strengthened and enriched by the wisdom and love of God in your daily walk. May His grace and peace continue to flood your life and ministry. God bless you abundantly! Many blessings! 🌟🙏
Patty Garza : They have been such a blessing, may God always bless them.
Hello Patty Garza! We appreciate your kind words and are glad to know that the devotional has been a blessing to you. May God's grace and favor continue to enrich your life and guide your steps. May His love and peace always accompany you in every step you take. God bless you abundantly! 🙏🌟