God speaks today Tuesday | February 6, 2024

For the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward him. Herein thou hast done foolishly: therefore from henceforth thou shalt have wars. (2 Chronicles 16:9)
And if a man also strive for masteries, yet is he not crowned, except he strive lawfully. (2 Timothy 2:5)
Dr. Roberto Miranda

Fighting legitimately

To have a successful and lasting spiritual journey, it is important to base it on solid biblical principles and trust in Jehovah. Many pastors and evangelists may be tempted to use illegitimate methods to grow their ministries, but this only postpones disaster and undermines the spiritual foundations of their work. It is important to adhere to the rules of the game as defined by the Scriptures, even if they seem laborious and disadvantageous. We must sow scrupulously according to the principles established by God's Word and let Him take absolute control of our efforts. Only then will we have a fruitful and lasting spiritual journey. Read more...

Cross Reference

For who hath despised the day of small things? for they shall rejoice, and shall see the plummet in the hand of Zerubbabel with those seven; they are the eyes of the LORD, which run to and fro through the whole earth. (Zechariah 4:10)
The eyes of the LORD are in every place, beholding the evil and the good. (Proverbs 15:3)
For mine eyes are upon all their ways: they are not hid from my face, neither is their iniquity hid from mine eyes. (Jeremiah 16:17)
For the ways of man are before the eyes of the LORD, and he pondereth all his goings. (Proverbs 5:21)


Enrique Meneses Muñoz : Every day I present my plans and purposes to GOD for his approval.
Dear Enrique Meneses Muñoz, thank you for sharing your comment. It is wonderful that every day you present your plans and purposes to God for his approval. As Dr. Roberto Miranda mentions in his devotional, it is important to base our life and actions entirely on the word and principles of the Gospel. In 2 Timothy 2:5, we are reminded that he who competes as an athlete does not win the prize if he does not compete according to the rules. By presenting your plans to God, you are seeking His direction and blessing, and by adhering to biblical principles, you will be on the path to long-term prosperity and blessing. May God continue to guide and strengthen you on your spiritual journey. Blessings.
Fernando : It is a great and fresh blessing for my life to receive with so much love, the exhortation and strength that your devotions produce in my spirit. Thank you very much.
Dear Fernando, we are happy to know that Dr. Roberto Miranda's devotionals are a blessing and strength for your spiritual life. As he mentions in his devotional, it is important to base our lives and actions on biblical principles and the word of God. By lovingly and openly receiving these exhortations, you are allowing the Holy Spirit to work in your life and strengthen you in your walk with God. Remember that fidelity and obedience to the principles of God's word are essential for a fruitful and lasting spiritual journey. May you continue to be blessed and strengthened in your relationship with God. God bless you abundantly!
Francisco Diaz S.: Let us trust in God and move forward with our purposes; If our purposes are good, pure and legitimate, God will surely bless us.
Dear Francisco Díaz S., thank you for your comment. You are absolutely right, when we trust in God and seek to carry out good, pure and legitimate purposes, we can be sure that God will bless us. As Dr. Roberto Miranda mentions in his devotional, by basing our lives and actions on the principles of the Word of God, our efforts will prosper in the long term. In 2 Chronicles 16:9 it tells us that the eyes of the Lord roam throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are completely His. Therefore, if we surrender our purposes and plans to the Lord, trusting in his direction and blessing, we can be sure that he will strengthen us and guide us on the right path. May God continue to bless you abundantly in your purposes and in your walk with him!
Ruth Vives.: God bless. Amen.
Dear Ruth Vives, thank you for your comment and blessings. God bless you too! May his grace and love always be with you in every step of your life. May you continue to be strengthened and guided by his Spirit in your walk with him. Amen.
Luis Alfredo Ramírez Cano: If God is for us, who can be against us. From the hand of the Lord, putting our lives and those of our loved ones in His hands, being an example to our family, following His Precepts and knowing that wherever we are we work for the Glory of the Lord
Dear Luis Alfredo Ramírez Cano, thank you for your beautiful comment. You are absolutely right, if God is with us, there is no one who can be against us. By placing our lives and those of our loved ones in the hands of the Lord, trusting in his direction and will, we can live with the certainty that we are working for his glory. As Dr. Roberto Miranda mentions in his devotional, by adhering to the principles of the Word of God and being an example to our family, we will be on the right path. Remember that God is with you every step and that he will strengthen you in your walk with him. May you continue to be blessed and guided by God in all your actions!
María de Lourdes Jarrin : How much truth is that the Father gives us to live. Success in understanding the world leads to the search for the accumulation of material goods with no additional goal other than social recognition in any of its areas. For the Father, the goal is to give Him glory, to not forget in every area of ​​life that He is our first love and nothing and no one can or should replace Him. From the hand of God is prosperity, success. You just have to hold tightly to his hand of love.
Dear María de Lourdes Jarrin, thank you for your deep and truthful reflection. You are right when you say that success according to the world is based on the accumulation of material goods and social recognition. However, as you mention, for our heavenly Father, true success lies in giving him glory and keeping him as our first love in all areas of our lives. In his devotional, Dr. Roberto Miranda highlights the importance of basing our lives and actions on biblical principles, imitating Jesus Christ at all times. When we hold tightly to the loving hand of God and seek His will, that is where we find true prosperity and success, which go beyond the material. May you continue walking hand in hand with God, allowing him to guide your life and bless you abundantly. May God accompany you and support you in every step you take!
Jesús rios : As the word of GOD says, obeying is better than any sacrifice. GOD is more pleased with us when we obey his guidance and instructions. Many times we make wrong decisions because we do not pay attention to the word of GOD.
Dear Jesús Ríos, thank you for your comment. You are absolutely right, God's Word teaches us that obeying God is more important than any sacrifice we can make. When we pay attention to the guidance and instructions that God gives us through His Word, we avoid making wrong decisions and align ourselves with His will for our lives. In Dr. Roberto Miranda's devotional, the importance of basing our ministries and actions on biblical principles is highlighted, avoiding illegitimate methods that can distract us from God's purpose. Let us remember that by obeying God, we draw closer to his heart and experience his blessing in our lives. May you continue to seek God's guidance and instruction at all times, trusting in His love and wisdom to make wise decisions. May God bless you and strengthen you in your walk with him!
Jesús rios : Amen GOD bless you 🙏 🙌
Amen, Jesús Ríos. God bless you abundantly! May his grace and love always be with you, strengthening you every step of your path. May you experience the fullness of his blessing and may his peace fill your heart. Thank you for your kind wish, may it also be extended to you. May God keep you and guide you in all your actions!