God speaks today Wednesday | February 7, 2024

The LORD hath chastened me sore: but he hath not given me over unto death. (Psalm 118:18)
And a certain man was there, which had an infirmity thirty and eight years. (John 5:5)
Ernst Diehl

Triumph beyond Trials: A Testimony of Resilience

In the face of adversity, we have the power to rise and overcome. Like the protagonist in this story, we can find strength in our trials and transform our lives. Let us embrace our inner resilience and walk confidently towards a brighter future. Read more...

Cross Reference

As unknown, and yet well known; as dying, and, behold, we live; as chastened, and not killed; (2 Corinthians 6:9)
But when we are judged, we are chastened of the Lord, that we should not be condemned with the world. (1 Corinthians 11:32)
And he asked his father, How long is it ago since this came unto him? And he said, Of a child. (Mark 9:21)
Behold, happy is the man whom God correcteth: therefore despise not thou the chastening of the Almighty: (Job 5:17)


Enrique Meneses Muñoz : Thank you for your word LORD
Dear Enrique Meneses Muñoz, It is beautiful to see how your comment expresses gratitude to the Lord for His word. In Ernst Diehl's devotional, he mentions the importance of finding strength in times of adversity and resisting despair. In Psalm 118:18, we find a powerful statement: "The LORD has rebuked me severely, but he has not handed me over to death." This statement reminds us that even though we face difficult trials, God is always with us, sustaining us and carrying us through them. May this word of resilience and strength inspire you to trust in God's faithfulness in the midst of your own struggles. May you find comfort in knowing that He will never abandon you and give you the strength to overcome any challenge. Blessings, Your facilitator.
Tity : It is a blessing to receive the word every day. It caught my attention that in Joy's it does not mention God anywhere... simply inner strength, it does not seem complete to me.
Dear Tity, Thanks for sharing your perspective. It is true that each of us has different ways of perceiving and understanding words and teachings. In Ernst Diehl's devotional, he highlights the story of resilience and strength of a person who faced great trials. Although God is not explicitly mentioned in the text, we can see His hand guiding and supporting the protagonist in the midst of his difficulties. It is important to remember that God's presence and power can manifest in different ways in our lives. Sometimes His intervention is clearly perceived, while at other times, It may be present in a more subtle or indirect way. Inner strength, mentioned in the devotional, can be seen as a reflection of the power and grace of God that enables us to overcome our adversities. On our spiritual journey, each of us has unique experiences with God. May we open our hearts and hear His voice in all circumstances, recognizing His presence and giving thanks for His constant guidance. Blessings, Your facilitator.
Tity : That's how it is! God is in everything! Those of us who know him perceive it, without much explanation. I share this message with people who are just doing it... I wouldn't want to confuse them.
Dear Tity, I understand your concern and respect your desire to share a clear and simple message to those who are beginning to know God. It is important to adapt to the needs and understanding of each person with whom we share His word. When we approach someone who is in an initial process of faith, it is valid to focus on the most basic and fundamental aspects of the relationship with God. We can highlight His love, His grace and how He accompanies us in all of life's circumstances. As a person grows in their faith, they will be able to perceive God's presence in deeper and more subtle ways. The most important thing is that each of us, as believers, can be a living testimony of God's love and grace in our lives. May our example of resilience and trust in Him be a light in the midst of darkness for those who are just beginning to know Him. May God bless you in your work to share His message and guide you to be an instrument of His love and compassion. Blessings, Your facilitator.
Tity: Amen! Glory to God!
Amen! Glory to God! It's wonderful to see your response full of gratitude and praise. We praise God for His love, His guidance, and His faithfulness in our lives. May His glory shine through us as we share His message of hope and salvation with others. May the Lord continue to bless you and strengthen you in your walk of faith. Glory to God! Blessings, Your facilitator.
Moises Mora : He is the only one, family and friends, who are always by our side, He encourages us to lift our heads, and encourages us day by day to move forward even in our adversity, even if we lose our job, our health, and it affects us. negative situations to the family and losing properties and more, do not faint, not his time, not ours, just do not fear or faint, The Lord awaits our firmness towards Him, and to the next Level that we will pass, ID and share his love.
Dear Moisés Mora, Thank you for sharing your powerful reflections on the constant presence of God in our lives. It is true that He is the only one who is always by our side, giving us encouragement and strength to face any adversity that comes our way. In Ernst Diehl's devotional, the importance of staying firm and not fainting is also highlighted, even when we face negative situations that affect our family, work, or health. God encourages us to trust Him and move forward, knowing that He has a purpose and plan for our lives. It is through our steadfastness and trust in God that we can advance to the next level of our spiritual walk. By sharing His love and carrying His message of hope, we can have a positive impact on those around us. May the Lord continue to guide and strengthen you in your faith, and may you have the courage to move forward to the next level of your relationship with Him. Blessings, Your facilitator.
Francisco Diaz S.: Rewarding message from Pastor E. Diehl, encourages us to be strong in the face of adversity, always trusting that the Lord is with us to guide us along the good paths.
Dear Francisco Díaz S., Thanks for your comment. I agree with you, Pastor Ernst Diehl's message is truly rewarding and reminds us of the importance of staying strong in the midst of adversity. It is comforting to know that we can trust in the Lord, who is always by our side, guiding us along the paths that lead us towards the good and the best for our lives. When we face challenges, it is easy to fall into despair and discouragement, but in those moments, we can find comfort and strength in the presence of God. He helps us see a broader perspective, reminding us that He has a plan and purpose beyond our current circumstances. May this message inspire us to remain firm in our faith and trust in the Lord, knowing that He will guide us and accompany us every step of the way. Blessings, Your facilitator.
Moises Mora : God is a God of times, our health, work, family, assets still affect us, and adverse things happen, we are not alone, it is just a test to see who we are going towards, Let us strive and fight the good fight.
Dear Moisés Mora, Thank you for sharing your reflections again. You are absolutely right, God is a God of times and in the midst of trials and adversities, we are not alone. Even though we face challenges in our health, work, family, and assets, we can find comfort in the certainty that God is with us. These tests are opportunities to strengthen our faith and demonstrate who we are heading towards. Striving and persevering in faith allows us to face the battle with courage and determination, knowing that God is working in the midst of our circumstances. Let us move forward, remembering that God is our refuge and strength. He enables us to overcome any adversity and gives us the strength to fight the good fight. May the grace of God accompany you every step of the way and give you the perseverance to continue trusting in Him. Blessings, Your facilitator.
Sabino Marroquín López.: My trust, my faith, and my hope is in GOD, that we can carry out the project, to take advantage of the rainwater, because water is running out all over the world, and the only solution is: in the blessing of GOD, and the use of rainwater amen.
Dear Sabino Marroquín López, Thanks for sharing your thoughts. It is beautiful to see your trust, faith and hope placed in God. It is true that in the midst of the challenges we face, especially the scarcity of water in the world, we can look to God for the solution and blessing we need. It is important to recognize that God has given us the wisdom and responsibility to care for and use natural resources responsibly. By looking for solutions to take advantage of rainwater, you are demonstrating an attitude of care and concern for the environment, and that is worthy of admiration. May God guide you in your project and give you the necessary wisdom to effectively use rainwater. Trust in His provision and in His power to work in the midst of your efforts. Blessings, Your facilitator.
Ruth Vives.: God bless. Amen.
Dear Ruth Vives, God bless you too! Thank you for your brief but meaningful comment. It is beautiful to remember and express our desire to bless others. May God's grace and blessings be with you every step of your path. Amen! Your facilitator.
Ma. Isabel. 🇪🇨: I love receiving the devotional, every day the word of God speaks to my life and I can share it with my friends. God bless your lives beloved brothers, I bless you in the Name of the Lord Jesus.
Dear Ma. Isabel, What a joy to know that you enjoy receiving the devotional and that the Word of God speaks to your life! It is wonderful when we can share the blessings we receive with our loved ones and friends. May the Lord continue to bless your life and the lives of those around you. I appreciate your words of blessing and from here I also send my blessings to you. May the grace and love of our Lord Jesus be with you at all times. God bless you abundantly, Your facilitator.
Sara Gaspar: He who is in us is greater than he who is in the world. 1John 4 4. Thank God for this truth.
Dear Sara Gaspar, Thank you for sharing that powerful biblical truth! Indeed, as you mention, "He who is in us is greater than he who is in the world" (1 John 4:4). It is a constant reminder that despite the difficulties and challenges we face, we have God and his powerful Spirit to strengthen and guide us. It is a reason for gratitude and praise to God for this truth. It gives us confidence and encourages us to face any situation knowing that we are not alone, but that we have the support and protection of our heavenly Father. May this truth continue to resonate in your life and give you comfort, strength and hope in every circumstance. Abundant blessings, Your facilitator.
Luis Alfredo Ramírez Cano: Trials are what strengthens our faith, if we tell the mountain to move, it will move. Inner strength is faith that takes root in our spirit, and whatever you ask in the name of Jesus will be done for you. The paralyzed man in history only needed faith for his physical and spiritual healing to be complete.
Dear Luis Alfredo Ramírez Cano, Thank you for sharing these powerful reflections. It is true that the trials we face in life can strengthen our faith and trust in God. Faith is a powerful inner resource that enables us to face the mountains in our lives and see them move. The example of the paralytic in the story is a powerful reminder of how faith can lead to complete transformation, both physical and spiritual. His faith allowed him to experience healing and wholeness in the presence of Jesus. As you mention, when we pray in the name of Jesus, there is unlimited power available to us. Our requests and needs can be attended to according to God's will. May these truths continue to resonate in your life and inspire you to trust in the inner strength of faith at all times. Abundant blessings, Your facilitator.
Rocio: How beautiful and gratifying it is to know that the Lord will always be with us, even in the trials and darkest days, but with the security that He is my father and is there with me. Glory to God!! 🙌
Dear Rocio, What a beautiful expression of faith and gratitude! It is truly comforting to know that the Lord will always be with us, even in the darkest days and in the midst of trials. His constant presence and unconditional love give us security and strength to face any challenge. It is wonderful to know that God is our Father and is there with us every step of the way. Their care and guidance fill us with joy and allow us to face any situation with hope and confidence. Glory to God for his faithfulness and unfailing love. May this certainty of his presence continue to accompany you and strengthen you in every area of ​​your life. Blessings in abundance! Your facilitator.
Juan luis : Excellent word of God
Dear Juan Luis, Thanks for your comment! It is really good to know that the Word of God has been a blessing to you. His word is powerful and full of wisdom, and it guides us in every aspect of our lives. We are glad you found excellence in it. May you continue to be inspired and edified by the Word of God, and may you continue to grow in your relationship with our Savior. Abundant blessings, Your facilitator.
Soledad : I love every devotional, but today's February 7 seems extremely motivational, more psychological than our Lord, and it does not highlight the figure of the main person in this story, which is Christ, what he does in each life he touches and how transforms our own history. I hope it is taken with a high level of vision, since they have always been a great blessing to many people, with affection from Chile
Dear Solitude, Thank you for your comment and your sincere words. We value your observations and opinions. Devotionals are powerful tools to grow in our faith and find inspiration in God's Word. It is true that each devotional has its particular focus and style. Sometimes, some may highlight more motivational or personal improvement aspects, while others may highlight the figure of Christ and his transformative work in our lives. We appreciate your perspective and understand that you expected greater attention to the figure of Christ in today's devotional. The central message of the Christian faith is Christ and his redeeming love. It is important that these reflections help us get closer to Him and understand His work in our lives. We appreciate your comments and will take them into consideration for future devotions. Our wish is that these reflections continue to be a blessing to many people, as they have been until now. May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ accompany you on your spiritual walk. With appreciation from Chile, Your facilitator.