Fighting legitimately

Dr. Roberto Miranda
Dr. Roberto Miranda

SUMMARY: To have a successful and lasting spiritual journey, it is important to base it on solid biblical principles and trust in Jehovah. Many pastors and evangelists may be tempted to use illegitimate methods to grow their ministries, but this only postpones disaster and undermines the spiritual foundations of their work. It is important to adhere to the rules of the game as defined by the Scriptures, even if they seem laborious and disadvantageous. We must sow scrupulously according to the principles established by God's Word and let Him take absolute control of our efforts. Only then will we have a fruitful and lasting spiritual journey.

When an individual or a Christian leader places his trust in Jehovah, and bases his life and actions wholly on the word and principles of the gospel, inevitably his efforts are successful in the long term. This is the key to the growth and permanence of any spiritual journey, be it individual or ministerial. If a ministry wants to prosper and remain, it will have to be founded on solid biblical principles.

Throughout my ministry I have had to resist time and again the temptation to use methodologies and styles that in my spirit I have clearly discerned are not of the Lord, and that do not obey the principles established by the gospel. Perhaps this has meant that the growth of my church has not been as rapid, dramatic, or spectacular as I would have liked. Perhaps I have had to wait longer to see the fruit of my efforts and sacrifices in ministry. But after all, it's not about impressing people, or showing the world our great skills as pastors or evangelists! The most important thing is to glorify God through our service, imitating the methodology and style of Jesus Christ.

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