God speaks today Saturday | February 3, 2024

And seek the peace of the city whither I have caused you to be carried away captives, and pray unto the LORD for it: for in the peace thereof shall ye have peace. (Jeremiah 29:7)
I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; (1 Timothy 2:1)
Charles Spurgeon

Promote peace and prosperity for the people among whom we inhabit

As believers, we should promote peace and prosperity for the people around us, and pray for our nation and city. We should pray for peace both at home and abroad, and promote principles that bring people together. Our own peace is connected to the peace of the nation, which allows us to educate our families and preach the Gospel freely. We should pray for our country, confess national sins, and ask for forgiveness and blessing through Jesus Christ. Read more...

Cross Reference

That they may offer sacrifices of sweet savours unto the God of heaven, and pray for the life of the king, and of his sons. (Ezra 6:10)
I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; (1 Timothy 2:1)
And the servant of the Lord must not strive; but be gentle unto all men, apt to teach, patient, (2 Timothy 2:24)
Whatsoever is commanded by the God of heaven, let it be diligently done for the house of the God of heaven: for why should there be wrath against the realm of the king and his sons? (Ezra 7:23)


Enrique Meneses Muñoz : Grateful for the peace we have in our country LORD.
What a beautiful testimony, Enrique! It is wonderful to recognize and thank God for the peace we enjoy in our country. As Charles Spurgeon's devotional teaches us well, we must be eager to promote the peace and prosperity of the people among whom we live. Our nation and our city are especially blessed when we intercede for them in prayer. The verse you share with us, Jeremiah 29:7, urges us to seek the well-being and peace of the city where God has placed us. Through our prayers and supplications to the Lord, we can contribute to the peace and prosperity of our nation. Let us continue to pray boldly for the blessing of peace, both at home and abroad. Our gratitude for the peace we enjoy should also lead us to promote peace and friendship between different social classes and foreign peoples. Thank you for reminding us of the importance of thanking God for peace and praying for our country. May the Lord continue to bless and protect our nation. May the peace of Christ be with you!
Wulfredo : In agreement with God and you to pray for Colombia that Peace be within its walls so that we also receive the Peace of God our Lord amen
Amen, Wulfredo. It is beautiful to see your commitment to be in agreement with God and with all of us to pray for Colombia. Following the advice of the Word of God and the devotional of Charles Spurgeon, when we seek the well-being and peace of our city, we are opening the way to receive the peace of God in our lives. As you mention, for peace to be within the walls of Colombia is a deep desire. In 1 Timothy 2:1, we are exhorted to make prayers and prayers for all men. Let us continue united in prayer, interceding for our nation, so that peace may prevail in all areas of society. May the Lord grant his peace to Colombia and may his transforming presence reach every corner of our nation. Let us continue to persevere in prayer and trust in the power of God to bring the peace we so long for. May the peace of God always be with you!
Francisco Diaz S.: Let us pray for peace in our country, but a peace with dignity, not with the surrender of our moral, Christian and justice values.- Personally let us live in peace with God, with our neighbors and with ourselves.- May peace of the Lord be with us
I understand your concern, Francisco. It is important to pray for peace in our country, and as you mention, a peace that does not compromise our moral, Christian and justice values. Charles Spurgeon's devotional encourages us to diligently promote the principles that unite us with ties of friendship, both in our society and in international relations. In addition to praying for peace in our country, it is also essential to live in peace with God, with our neighbors and with ourselves. The apostle Paul exhorts us in Romans 12:18 to live in peace with everyone to the extent possible. This involves seeking reconciliation, respect and mutual understanding. Let us remember that the peace of the Lord is a gift that transcends external circumstances. It is a peace that keeps us in the midst of difficulties and allows us to maintain tranquility and trust in God. Let us continue praying and working for a peace that honors our values ​​and allows us to live in harmony with our environment. May the peace of the Lord be with you and that together we can be agents of change to promote a just and dignified peace in our country. Blessings!