God speaks today Thursday | January 25, 2024

And she said unto her husband, Behold now, I perceive that this is an holy man of God, which passeth by us continually. (2 Kings 4:9)
But a lover of hospitality, a lover of good men, sober, just, holy, temperate; (Titus 1:8)
Dr. Roberto Miranda

Seeking greater levels of closeness and depth with God

The Shunammite woman sought intimacy with God through her relationship with the prophet Elisha. She was a woman of initiative, respect, and spiritual discernment. She approached her husband to build a room for the prophet to stay in when he visited, showing her desire for deeper intimacy with God and her willingness to bless His servant. This story emphasizes the importance of seeking greater levels of closeness with God, caring for the well-being of God's servants, being detailed and disciplined in our service, and investing materially and financially for the advancement of the Kingdom of God. Read more...

Cross Reference

A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife, vigilant, sober, of good behaviour, given to hospitality, apt to teach; (1 Timothy 3:2)
And she said unto Elijah, What have I to do with thee, O thou man of God? art thou come unto me to call my sin to remembrance, and to slay my son? (1 Kings 17:18)
Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies. (Proverbs 31:10)
Then she came and told the man of God. And he said, Go, sell the oil, and pay thy debt, and live thou and thy children of the rest. (2 Kings 4:7)


Enrique Meneses Muñoz : I need every moment to get closer to you my LORD.
Hello Enrique Meneses Muñoz! It is wonderful to see your desire to get closer and closer to God. In Dr. Roberto Miranda's devotional, we saw how the Shunammite sought greater intimacy with the Lord through her relationship with the prophet Elisha. She was willing to physically invest in a place for God's servant to stay on his ministry trips. This teaches us the importance of seeking greater levels of closeness and depth with God. In the verse of 2 Kings 4:9, the Shunammite woman recognizes Elisha as a "holy man of God." This is an attitude that we must also have, recognizing the holiness and presence of God in our lives. Furthermore, in Titus 1:8 we are told about the importance of being hospitable and lovers of what is good, characteristics that this woman demonstrated by opening her home to the prophet. Continue longing to get closer to God, seeking intimacy and spiritual growth. He will always be willing to come to you when you seek Him with all your heart. Blessings!
Samuel Cuadros Acosta : Thank you for the devotional of the Infallible Word of God, May God Reward you greatly, God spoke to my heart today through the testimony of this servant of God, the Value of Subjection, the Value of Initiative, the Value of a search to grow spiritually to the Stature of Christ, the Value of Companionship with good friendships of blessing, especially servants of God, the Value of Generosity, was not indifferent to the need of the servant of God and the work of God... go further into details, what challenge do I have?
Hello Samuel Cuadros Acosta! We are very happy that the devotional has been a blessing for you and that God has spoken to your heart through the testimony of this servant of God. As you mentioned, there are many important values ​​that we can learn from his life, such as submission, initiative, fellowship with servants of God, and generosity. The challenge you may have is to reflect on your own life and ask yourself: In what areas can I grow spiritually to the stature of Christ? How can I be more subject to God's will and take initiatives in my spiritual life? Am I surrounded by good friends who bless me spiritually? How can I be more generous and attentive to the needs of God's servants and God's work? Remember that every day is an opportunity to get closer to God and grow in your relationship with Him. May the Lord guide you and strengthen you in this process of spiritual growth. God bless you abundantly!
Francisco Diaz S. : Let us invite the Lord to enter and remain in our house and our house will be protected from all evil.
Hello Francisco Diaz S.! Thanks for your comment. Just as you mention, inviting the Lord to enter and remain in our home is a wonderful way to ensure protection from all evil. In Dr. Roberto Miranda's devotional we saw how the Shunammite sought greater intimacy with God and prepared a special place for the prophet Elisha in her house. When we make space in our lives and homes for God, opening our doors and hearts, we experience his presence and protection. The Bible teaches us in John 14:23 that if we love Jesus and keep his word, he will come to us and make his home in us. So, let's invite God into our lives and homes, spending time in prayer, Bible study, and worship. In this way, we can experience his protection and blessing at all times. May the Lord guide you and keep you! Blessings.
Gabriel Villamar Sánchez : It is a word of encouragement because the God we have today is the same God of yesterday, today and for centuries, for this reason we have to place all our faith and trust in everything that is possible. Amen
Hello Gabriel Villamar Sánchez! Thanks for your comment. You are absolutely right, the God we have today is the same God of yesterday, today and forever. He is faithful and powerful to fulfill his promises and work in our lives. It is important to place our faith and trust in Him, knowing that nothing is impossible with God. As Dr. Roberto Miranda's devotional reminds us, the Shunammite sought greater closeness to God through her relationship with the prophet Elisha. She was confident that by opening her home and providing for the needs of God's servant, she would be blessed and experience greater intimacy with the Lord. In the same way, placing our faith and trust in God implies believing that He can do the impossible in our lives. No matter how great the challenges we face, we can trust that He is by our side and has the power to work in our circumstances. May your faith and trust in God continue to grow more every day! He is worthy of our praise and worship. Amen! Blessings.
Enrique Guardia : I feel very blessed to read the word of GOD through your emails every morning of my days in life... these readings are the best Vitamin that My Soul and My Body needs to start each day... Thank you, thank you and thank you.. GOD BLESS YOU INFINITELY
Hello Enrique Guardia! We are very happy to know that the readings of the word of God through emails are a blessing for you. It is wonderful to know that these readings are like a vitamin for your soul and body, strengthening you and filling you with the presence of God as you begin each day. It is important to recognize the importance of feeding our spiritual life with the word of God. As you mentioned, these readings are a source of blessing and connect us with divine love and wisdom. Through them, we receive direction, comfort and strength to face each day. May the Lord continue to bless you abundantly and may you continue to be strengthened in your faith through his word. God bless you infinitely! Thank you for sharing your testimony.
Moises Mora : It is good and pleasant to dwell together in harmony and manifesting with the good work, in which we are directly or indirectly for the service.mlrs
Hello Moises Mora! Thanks for your comment. You are absolutely right, it is good and pleasant to live together in harmony and manifest itself through good works. As you mentioned, we are all directly or indirectly called to service. Harmony and service are fundamental aspects of the Christian life. The Bible teaches us in Philippians 2:2 that we must live in unity, having the same love, the same mind, and the same purpose. When we relate in harmony, we can work together in the service of the Lord and manifest his love and kindness to those around us. It is important to remember that each of us, in our different capacities and gifts, can contribute to the service of God. Whether directly involved in ministries or indirectly through our daily actions, such as caring for and supporting others. May we continue to live in harmony and seek opportunities to manifest the good works of God in our daily lives. May the Lord guide and strengthen us in our service. Blessings!
Alfredo Romero Montés: Wonderful word. Amen
Hello Alfredo Romero Montés! Thanks for your comment. We are glad to know that the word has been wonderful for you. Amen, it is a beautiful expression in accordance with what God reveals to us through his word. When we receive and meditate on the word of God, we find encouragement, direction and comfort for our lives. It is wonderful to be able to affirm with an amen that we believe and trust in what God reveals to us. May the Lord continue to bless you through his word and may you continue to be strengthened in your faith. Amen! Thank you very much for your comment. Blessings!
Miriam : Thank you for the pastor, you are always a blessing to me but more so today!! How good is our God 🙌 who never leaves us alone! Despite our unfaithfulness, He remains Faithful, waiting for us to return to Him... blessings
Hello Miriam! Thanks for your comment. It is wonderful to know that the pastor's message has been a blessing to you. Truly, our God is wonderful and is always willing to walk alongside us. As you mention, despite our unfaithfulness, God remains faithful. He loves us unconditionally and patiently waits for us to return to Him. His love and mercy are inexhaustible. May the Lord continue to bless you and remind you of his faithfulness in every stage of your life. May you always find comfort and strength in his presence. Abundant blessings to you! Thank you for sharing your reflection.
Juan vera: All the devotionals are excellent. But I haven't received my email for about 15 days. Thank you
Hello Juan Vera! We are very sorry that you have stopped receiving devotionals in your email. Sometimes some technical difficulties or problems with the subscription may occur. We recommend you check if the emails are reaching your spam or junk folder. If you cannot find them there, we suggest you resubscribe through the website or contact the team in charge of sending the devotionals so they can help you with this problem. We appreciate your patience and understanding. We hope that soon you will be able to receive the devotionals again and continue to be blessed by them. May the Lord guide you and bless you! Thank you for sharing your concern.