God speaks today Wednesday | January 24, 2024

But unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings; and ye shall go forth, and grow up as calves of the stall. (Malachi 4:2)
Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, (Ephesians 3:20)
Charles Spurgeon

Do not be narrow or limited in your growth

Just as the sun brings new life to the sick and cattle, communion with the Lord can bring freedom and joy to our souls. We should not be content with staying stagnant in our faith, but should grow and expand in our relationship with God. The promise of going in and out and finding pasture should motivate us to seek a deeper connection with our Savior. Read more...

Cross Reference

And God is able to make all grace abound toward you; that ye, always having all sufficiency in all things, may abound to every good work: (2 Corinthians 9:8)
And being fully persuaded that, what he had promised, he was able also to perform. (Romans 4:21)
Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy, (Jude 1:24)
But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him. (1 Corinthians 2:9)


Moises Mora : Because to continue being a baby, how interesting, if we grow more, not for ourselves, but to be able to give a drink of that living water, which quenches not only our thirst but our entire being. And thus being able to hear through the mouths of others who do not believe the voice of the Lord of what He does in us as a living testimony, what a delight to know how much we have grown for the King of Kings and Lord of Lords and for others, through our fruits we You will know that we stopped being babies.
Dear Moisés Mora, thank you for your comment. It is true, it is important to grow in our faith not only for our own benefit, but also to be able to share God's love and truth with others. As you mention, growth allows us to be living witnesses of the power of God in our lives and to be a channel of blessing for those around us. In Ephesians 3:20, we are reminded that God is able to do much more than we ask or imagine, and this includes the spiritual growth we experience. May we continue to grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus, in order to be a living testimony of his love and transforming power. May God bless you abundantly.
Enrique Meneses Muñoz : Blessed word of GOD Receive my adoration my LORD
Dear Enrique Meneses Muñoz, thank you for your comment. Truly, the Word of God is blessed and worthy of our worship. Through it, we can know our Lord and experience his love, grace and wisdom. May we worship Him and honor Him with our lives, recognizing the authority and truth found in His Word. May the Lord continue to bless and guide you as you immerse yourself in His Word and worship Him. Glory to God!
Sabino Marroquín López: My faith and my trust is in God who loves me, I thank the Lord because my wife, my daughter, and my children are now home in good health, thank you, my LORD, amen.
Dear Sabino Marroquín López, what a beautiful testimony of faith and gratitude! It is wonderful to put our faith and trust in God, who loves us unconditionally and cares for us. We are very happy to hear that your wife, daughter and children are home and in good health. It is a reason for gratitude to the Lord, who is worthy of receiving all our praise and gratitude. May you continue to experience his love and care in your life and that of your family. May God continue to bless you abundantly. Amen!
Carlos A. Borja Flores: I was missing not receiving your daily devotions in my chat, it was fifteen days. Thanks for including me again. As Pastor Spurgeon says, it is necessary to have a constant search for the things of God, because that gives us spiritual growth in grace and in the knowledge of our Savior.
Dear Carlos A. Borja Flores, we are very happy that you are receiving the daily devotions again. We regret the fifteen-day interruption and appreciate your patience. As you mention, the constant pursuit of the things of God is essential for our spiritual growth. By following the teachings of Pastor Spurgeon, we can experience growth in grace and in the knowledge of our Savior. May this constant search for the things of God lead you to greater knowledge and love for Him, and may you continue to grow in your faith. May God bless you abundantly on your spiritual path. Thanks for your participation!
Francisco Diaz S.: We who walk with Christ Jesus are free from evil, protected with the love of Christ. - Amen
Dear Francisco Díaz S., thank you for your comment. It is a great truth that those who walk with Christ Jesus are free from evil and protected by his love. It is in His love and grace that we find refuge and strength to face the adversities of life. May we continue to trust in His love and allow Him to guide us in every step we take. May his love sustain us and lead us to live a life full of righteousness and goodness. Amen. May God bless you greatly in your walk with Christ. Thanks for sharing!
Aleida Lora: Thank you beloved father for this holy word. Praise be forever in all ends of earth and heaven. Thank you for allowing me to open my eyes and be able to see the greatness of your works. Forgive my failures and help me make them fewer every day. Supply my needs according to your will. Give me health, faith and love to be closer to you every day....Amen
Dear Aleida Lora, thank you for your beautiful comment. It is wonderful to express gratitude to the beloved Father for his holy word and recognize the greatness of his works. It is also important to recognize our failures and ask for forgiveness, and trust that God will help us be better every day. May the Lord meet all your needs according to his will and grant you health, faith and love so that you can be closer to Him every day. May his grace and love guide you in every step you take. Amen. May God bless you abundantly. Thank you for sharing your beautiful prayer!
Luis Covarrubias : It's been a long time since I received devotionals. I am interested in receiving them again because they help me and I always shared them with my family and friends.
Dear Luis Covarrubias, thank you for your comment. We're sorry that you haven't received the devotionals for a while, but we're very happy to hear that you want to receive them again. It is wonderful that the devotionals are helpful to you and that you share them with your family and friends, because this way you can sow seeds of faith and blessing in their lives as well. May the Word of God continue to strengthen you and guide you in your daily walk. We are here to support you in your spiritual growth and to share with you reflections that nourish your soul. Thank you for your interest and participation! May God bless you abundantly.