God speaks today Monday | January 22, 2024

Surely there is no enchantment against Jacob, neither is there any divination against Israel: according to this time it shall be said of Jacob and of Israel, What hath God wrought! (Numbers 23:23)
But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. (1 Corinthians 15:57)
Charles Spurgeon

No one can harm those who trust the living God

Foolish and superstitious fears are cut by trust in God. Even if witchcraft and omens were true, they could not harm God's people. The wicked may plot against them, but they are doomed to fail without the Lord's help. Spells and divination will not work against those who trust in God. We have power with God and no one can prevail against us. We need not fear the devil or any secret enemies, as they cannot harm those who trust in God. Read more...

Cross Reference

Now thanks be unto God, which always causeth us to triumph in Christ, and maketh manifest the savour of his knowledge by us in every place. (2 Corinthians 2:14)
Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us. (Romans 8:37)
For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith. (1 John 5:4)
The horse is prepared against the day of battle: but safety is of the LORD. (Proverbs 21:31)


Enrique Meneses Muñoz : Thank you for having me under your protection my LORD.
Dear Enrique Meneses Muñoz, thank you for your comment and for expressing your gratitude for the protection of our Lord. It is a blessing to know that we trust in a living God who protects us and gives us victory. As Charles Spurgeon mentions in his devotional, "They cannot harm those who trust in the living God" (The Bank of Faith Checkbook). We, as God's people, need not fear any enemy, including the devil, for we have power and we will prevail in the Lord. Let us also remember the word of 1 Corinthians 15:57, which says: "but thanks be to God, who gives us victory through our Lord Jesus Christ." In Christ, we find the security and strength to face any situation, trusting that He will guide and protect us. May peace and trust in God continue to strengthen your life, Enrique. God bless you abundantly!
Greis.ita. Rodríguez Puebla: Even blood sisters have become enemies due to inheritance; But I trust my LORD, my Savior, My defense attorney, my provider; I have seen His POWER, favor and Grace towards me, He has given me new. life and yes physically he also rescued me from Intensive Care (almost a month in a coma. Due to Covid...). and HE worked in me, breathed the breath of life and I am alive for the Honor and Glory of His Name, I will testify of HIS Love, Goodness, POWER, in my favor and I Praise and Bless Him, to HIM BE THE GLORY; and HE delivers me from every word. Negative against me; because I TRUST amen the LIVING GOD; in YOUR NAME Lord. Jesus amen
Dear Greis.ita. Rodríguez Puebla, thank you for sharing your impactful and powerful testimony. It is inspiring to see how you have experienced the power and grace of our Lord in your life. As you mention, even in difficult situations such as illness and family conflict, you have trusted God as your Savior, Defense Attorney and Provider. Your story is a testimony of how God can bring healing, life and deliverance to our lives. Through your personal experience, you have witnessed the love, goodness, and power of God. Praise the Lord for taking you from intensive care to the fullness of life and for giving you a new opportunity to honor and glorify His name. As Charles Spurgeon says in his devotional, "They cannot harm those who trust in the living God" (The Bank of Faith Checkbook). Our living God is able to free us from every negative word against us and protect us in all circumstances. Thank you for sharing your faith and trust in the living God. May the Lord continue to bless you and use you as a living testimony of His love and power. God bless you greatly! Amen.
Juan Carlos Gonzalez O : Thank you my brothers in Christ Jesus. The word of God is living bread for our soul and intimate life that unites us to Jesus. Thank you for sharing the gospel with us. GOD BLESS YOU. Greetings from my Beloved Bogotá DC Colombia 🇨🇴🇨🇴
Dear Juan Carlos González O, thank you for your comment and for highlighting the importance of the word of God in our lives. As you mention, the Word of God is a living food that nourishes our soul and connects us intimately with Jesus. It is wonderful to be able to share the gospel and encourage each other in the faith. We are glad to know that you are being blessed through these reflections and devotionals. May the Word of God continue to be a source of strength and guidance in your life. Receive a fraternal greeting from here and may God continue to bless your walk in Christ. God bless you abundantly! Greetings from where we are.
Martín Cabezas : I feel blessed to know that there are brave warriors of faith everywhere who share their testimonies and you brothers who encourage us to move forward with the conviction that no weapon forged prevails against the children of God. God continue to bless you
Dear Martín Cabezas, thank you for your beautiful comment and for highlighting the importance of testimonies and mutual encouragement in faith. It is indeed a blessing to know that there are brave warriors of faith everywhere, sharing their experiences and testimonies with others. As you mention, no forged weapon prevails against the children of God. That is a powerful promise that gives us confidence and security in our walk with the Lord. In the midst of difficulties and challenges, we know that God is with us and his power is greater than anything we can face. Let us thank God for the community of believers that supports us and encourages us in our faith. May the Lord continue to bless you abundantly and strengthen you in your walk with Him. God bless you greatly!
Martín Cabezas : Amen Amen and Amen
Amen, Martín Cabezas. So be it. May our words of praise and affirmation of the power of God multiply. May the name of the Lord be exalted and glorified at all times. May our lives be living testimonies of his grace and power. Amen. May the Lord continue to bless you and fill you with his peace and joy. God bless you abundantly!
Francisco Diaz S.: He who walks with God is protected from the tricks of the evil one.- Beautiful message from Mr. Charles E.
Amen, Francisco Diaz S. What a beautiful statement you have shared! It is true that those who walk with God and trust in Him are protected from the wiles of the evil one. As you mention, it is a beautiful and encouraging message that reminds us of the security we find in being in the presence of our beloved Lord. Although the quote you mention is not from Charles Spurgeon, the teaching you share is very valuable. The Bible assures us in James 4:7 that if we submit to God and resist the devil, he will flee from us. It is comforting to know that our relationship with God gives us protection and strength against the schemes of the enemy. May the Lord continue to guide your steps and protect you in every aspect of your life. God bless you abundantly!
Francisco Diaz S.: I give him credit and mention the goodness of the message of Charles S. - The quote is from my inspiration in God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit
Thank you for your clarification, Francisco Diaz S. Unfortunately, the quote you mentioned is not attributable to Charles Spurgeon, but we value your inspiration in the goodness of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. It is wonderful to recognize the protection and guidance we receive from the Divine Trinity. The Word of God reveals to us the greatness and faithfulness of our God, and it is in it where we find words of encouragement and promises that strengthen us. Let us continue to trust in the Lord and seek his direction in every aspect of our lives. May the presence of God be with you always, and may his goodness and love accompany you every step you take. God bless you abundantly!
Valentina O’Neill: Blessings, Almighty God knows how to give the food of each day, today that beautiful word shared has made my faith resist evil, Thank you…..
Blessings, Valentina O'Neill! We are very happy to know that the shared word has strengthened your faith and given you courage to resist evil. Almighty God is faithful in providing the spiritual food we need day by day. It is exciting to see how God's Word has the power to strengthen us and renew our trust in Him. His love and care for us is immense, and we can trust Him to supply all our needs. May the Lord continue to sustain you and provide for you in all areas of your life. May his peace and grace always accompany you. God bless you abundantly!
Sabino Marroquín Lopez: I trusted in GOD, I have faith and hope: that my wife, my daughter, and my great-grandchildren with the power of GOD, recover their complete health, thank you, my God, amen.
Amen, Sabino Marroquín Lopez. It is beautiful to see your trust, faith and hope in God. Our heavenly Father is powerful and merciful, and attentive to our prayers and needs. Let us pray together that God grants complete healing to your wife, daughter and great-grandchildren. May His love and power manifest in your lives, bringing you health, strength and restoration. Let us remember the words of 1 Peter 5:7 that encourage us to cast our anxieties on Him, because He cares for us. May God send healing, comfort and peace to your family in this time of need. May you experience His presence and strength in every moment. Let us keep faith and hope in God, trusting that He can do great things. God bless you and sustain you at all times!
Moises Mora : Jesus Christ is real in me and in all of us who believe in Him, if He is with us and it is true, it cannot affect the people of the living God, thank you for remembering us.
Amen, Moises Mora. What a beautiful testimony you share about the reality of Jesus Christ in your life and in the lives of all of us who believe in Him. It is true, when we have Jesus in our lives, we are protected and strengthened by his presence and truth. As you mentioned, when Jesus Christ is with us, nothing can affect the people of the living God. In Romans 8:31b we read, "If God is for us, who can be against us?" It is a great truth that fills us with confidence and security to know that we have the Lord at our side. Let us thank God for constantly reminding us of his power and care. Let us continue to believe and trust in Jesus Christ, because in Him we find the strength and protection we need. May the presence of Jesus Christ continue to guide you and strengthen you in your walk of faith. May God bless you abundantly and always keep you in his love!
Diogenes Hernandez: Thank you for the beautiful work you do proclaiming the good news of salvation. The time has come and the Lord does not delay his return. Continue forward in this new year with that great commission. Blessings
Thank you, Diogenes Hernandez, for your words of encouragement and support! We are very happy to know that our work of proclaiming the good news of salvation has been a blessing to you. It is true, the time has come and the return of the Lord Jesus Christ is getting closer. As followers of Christ, we have the responsibility and blessing to bring the message of salvation to others, so that they too may receive the gift of eternal life. Let us move forward with courage and determination in this great commission to make disciples and share the love of God with those around us. May the Holy Spirit guide and strengthen us in every step we take. In this new year, may we continue to fulfill with joy and fidelity the mission that God has entrusted to us. May His grace and blessing be upon you and your family. May God bless you abundantly and use you mightily for his glory!
Lourdes: Amen what a beautiful testimony hallelujah glory to God
Amen, Lourdes. We are glad that the testimony has been a blessing to you. Hallelujah and glory to God! He deserves all the honor and praise for the wonders he does in our lives. When we share and hear testimonies of how God works in people's lives, it is a beautiful opportunity to strengthen our faith and remember that God continues to work miracles today. Let us continue to praise and glorify God for his power and faithfulness. He is worthy of all our worship. May His love and grace continue to manifest in your life and the lives of those around you! God bless you greatly!
Esbe: Excellent word
Thank you, Esbe, for your comment. We are glad that you found the word and the message shared to be excellent. The Word of God is truly powerful and full of wisdom for our lives. When we immerse ourselves in the Word and allow it to transform us, we find direction, comfort, strength, and guidance for every situation we face. It is a privilege to have access to the eternal truths that God has revealed in his Word. Let us continue to value and meditate on the Word of God, allowing it to shape our hearts and guide us in our daily walk. May the Holy Spirit continue to reveal his truth and apply it in our lives. May the Lord bless you and continue to reveal His Word to you in a powerful way!