God speaks today Monday | January 15, 2024

And his heart was lifted up in the ways of the LORD: moreover he took away the high places and groves out of Judah. (2 Chronicles 17:6)
For if any be a hearer of the word, and not a doer, he is like unto a man beholding his natural face in a glass: (James 1:23)
Dr. Roberto Miranda

Our faith must affect all aspects of our life

King Jehoshaphat removed the altars and high places dedicated to the goddess Asherah, neutralizing the spiritual curse of idolatry on his nation. This suggests a period of revival in his spiritual life, which gave him the courage to confront the worship of false gods. He could not separate his spiritual convictions from his public or political role, and Christians in such positions should extend their moral and spiritual convictions to their decisions and actions. If a position prevents them from carrying out their responsibilities consistent with their moral or spiritual identity, they should resign. By tearing down the Asherah statues, Jehoshaphat removed any legal claim Satan might have had to chain his nation and opened the doors for God's blessing to flow unhindered. We too can renounce sinful behavior and open the doors for God's blessing to flow into our lives. Read more...

Cross Reference

But the high places were not taken away out of Israel: nevertheless the heart of Asa was perfect all his days. (2 Chronicles 15:17)
And every one that heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them not, shall be likened unto a foolish man, which built his house upon the sand: (Matthew 7:26)
Howbeit the high places were not taken away: for as yet the people had not prepared their hearts unto the God of their fathers. (2 Chronicles 20:33)
And he walked in all the ways of Asa his father; he turned not aside from it, doing that which was right in the eyes of the LORD: nevertheless the high places were not taken away; for the people offered and burnt incense yet in the high places. (1 Kings 22:43)


Israel : Excellent reflection. It made me want to look for more references on this matter.
Hello Israel! I am glad that you found Dr. Roberto Miranda's reflection excellent and that it inspired you to look for more references on the subject. It is wonderful when God's Word motivates us to deepen our faith and seek a greater understanding of biblical teachings. If you need help finding more references or have any specific questions, don't hesitate to let me know. Blessings!
Israel : What other sources talk about this topic?
Hello Israel! In addition to the passage that Dr. Roberto Miranda mentions in his devotional, you can find references related to the elimination of idolatry and the importance of having a faith that affects all aspects of our lives in several other biblical passages. Some examples are: - 2 Kings 18:4: This passage tells how King Hezekiah destroyed the altars and idol images in Judah, showing his commitment to God. - 1 Corinthians 10:14: In this verse, the apostle Paul urges believers to flee idolatry and seek the glorification of God in all their actions. - Colossians 3:17: In this part of the Bible, we are encouraged to do all things in the name of Jesus, recognizing that our faith must affect every area of ​​our lives. These are just a few examples, but I invite you to explore further in the Bible to find other references related to the topic. If you need more information or have any additional questions, I will be happy to help you. Have a blessed day!
Israel : Keep sending me more reflections every day
Hello Israel! I appreciate your interest in receiving more reflections every day. Unfortunately, as a facilitator, I do not have the ability to submit daily reflections. However, I encourage you to continue exploring God's Word and seek additional resources that can nourish your spiritual life. You can subscribe to online devotionals, follow faith-related blogs or pages, or even look for mobile apps that provide daily Bible-based reflections. Remember that spiritual growth is a continuous and constant process. May God continue to guide and bless you in your quest to know Him more! If you have any other questions or need any other help, don't hesitate to tell me. Blessings!
Francisco Diaz S.: When a leader or political leader commits to his people and works Christianly under divine precepts, his people will be blessed and progress, but; When that leader makes pacts with the evil one and commits to evil, his people will suffer the consequences. - Let us be selective of the good that is the path of the Lord
Hello Francisco! Thank you for sharing your reflection. I agree with you that the commitment of a leader or political leader to divine precepts can have a positive impact on his people. When a leader seeks to obey God and act according to the principles of faith, his people can be blessed and progress. On the other hand, when a leader commits to evil and strays from the ways of God, the consequences can be adverse for his people. The Bible teaches us the importance of being selective and discerning between good and evil, always choosing to follow the path of the Lord. It is important to pray and ask for God's wisdom when choosing our leaders and also when being leaders ourselves in any area of ​​life. Let us always seek to act in accordance with divine precepts to be instruments of blessing in our environment. Thank you for your contribution and if you have any questions or need more reflections, do not hesitate to tell me. Blessings!
Francisco Diaz S.: I appreciate the good will and the magnificent work carried out by the entire "God Speaks Today" team of this congregation, sending us the word of the Lord daily. - May the Lord bless your congregation and all your collaborators
Thank you, Francisco! I appreciate your words of gratitude towards the "God Speaks Today" team and the work they do in sharing the word of the Lord daily. Transmitting the Word of God is a valuable and meaningful task, and it is a privilege to be a part of it. I also appreciate your blessings to the congregation and collaborators. May the Lord continue to bless you abundantly in your work and strengthen your faith to continue bringing the word of God to many lives. If you have any other concerns or need any other help, don't hesitate to tell me. May God bless you richly!
Claudia Olvera : I thank God first of all, for his word, I bless you for your perseverance to send these portions of the word daily and use each one to inspire you and transmit to us, the word, motivates me a lot and leads me to times of reflection . I bless you Lion of Judas Church,
Hi Claudia! Thank you for sharing your gratitude and blessings. It is wonderful that you thank God for his word and recognize the work and perseverance of the "God Speaks Today" team in sending these portions of the word daily to inspire and motivate people. I hope these daily reflections continue to lead you to meaningful moments of reflection and spiritual growth. May the Lord continue to guide you and bless your life abundantly. I also appreciate your blessings towards the Lion of Judas Church. May God continue to strengthen and guide that congregation in their work of bringing the word of God to others. If you have any other concerns or need any other help, don't hesitate to tell me. May the peace of God be with you always!
maria de lourdes jarrin: Integrity is a principle that we must practice when we are in the light of the Lord. Abnormality is not accepted by Him. In the midst of a society highly imbued with darkness, lies, deception, death, the children of light, we must make an impact not only with words but with daily actions.
Hello María de Lourdes! Thanks for your comment. You are right in saying that integrity is an important principle that we must practice as children of the light of the Lord. Living according to truth and honesty is essential in the midst of a society that can be full of darkness, lies and deception. As children of light, we must be an example and make a difference not only with our words, but also with our daily actions. Our behavior and our testimony must reflect the values ​​of the Kingdom of God and be a positive influence on our environment. Integrity helps us stay firm in our principles, to be consistent between what we believe and how we live. It is through our integrity that we can impact and transform our society, showing the love and truth of Christ in everything we do. Thank you for sharing this important reminder. If you have any other concerns or need any other help, don't hesitate to tell me. May the Lord strengthen you in your walk of integrity and bless you abundantly!
Martha Eugenia Caro Montañez : Thank you for such a wonderful Reflection, it is true in the furnace of testing we know the heart and whether we are truly committed to the Spiritual Principles. No one deceives the Lord and Satan is like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. May the Lord Strengthen us in Faith to know how to make the most appropriate decision in our lives, spiritually speaking, and if it is necessary to put out the eye, remain maimed, do what has to be done to be fit for The Kingdom of Eternal Glory with Christ Jesus, thank you so much for those Messages that make us reflect.
Hello Martha Eugenia! I appreciate your words and I'm glad to know that you found the reflection wonderful. You are absolutely right, it is in times of trial that our commitment to spiritual principles is tested. It is important to remember that God knows our hearts and our motivations, and Satan is lurking to try to divert us from the path of faith. It is essential that we are strengthened in our faith to make appropriate decisions aligned with spiritual principles. Sometimes it may be necessary to make difficult decisions and sacrifice certain things in our lives to be worthy of the Kingdom and remain strong in our relationship with Christ. I appreciate that you find the reflection messages useful. It is my hope that they continue to inspire and encourage you in your spiritual walk. If you have any other concerns or need any other help, don't hesitate to tell me. May the Lord guide and bless you abundantly as you seek to live according to His will. Blessings!