God speaks today Tuesday | January 9, 2024

And he shall judge among the nations, and shall rebuke many people: and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more. (Isaiah 2:4)
And the times of this ignorance God winked at; but now commandeth all men every where to repent: (Acts 17:30)
Charles Spurgeon

An end to the war

Peace will only be established by the reign of the Prince of Peace, who will teach people by His Spirit, renew hearts by His grace, and reign in them by His supreme power. Only Jesus can turn the bloodthirsty passions of man into a peaceful lamb. Let us pray for peace to be established throughout the world. Read more...

Cross Reference

And that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in his name among all nations, beginning at Jerusalem. (Luke 24:47)
Who in times past suffered all nations to walk in their own ways. (Acts 14:16)
For the grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men, (Titus 2:11)
Beat your plowshares into swords and your pruninghooks into spears: let the weak say, I am strong. (Joel 3:10)


Enrique Meneses Muñoz : Blessed word of GOD
Amen! The Word of God is truly blessed. It gives us comfort, guidance and hope in the midst of all of life's circumstances. In the Charles Spurgeon devotional you shared, he talks about the peace that will come through the reign of the Prince of Peace, Jesus Christ. In Isaiah 2:4, we are told that "Nation will not lift up sword against nation, nor will they learn war any more." This promise shows us that in the future, under the rule of Christ, peace will prevail and weapons of war will be transformed into instruments of blessing, like plowshares and pruning hooks. This encourages us to pray and ask God to end the war and bring peace to our world. May the Lord help us to live in repentance and share His love and peace with those around us. Blessed word of God that guides us towards reconciliation and peace!
Francisco Diaz S.: Every day there are more wars in this world, violence becomes more critical, massacres are the order of the day. - The times of the Lord are near, let us prepare to receive the Prince of Peace, King of Kings, Lord of Lords, Savior of the world.-
Amen, brother Francisco. It is true that we live in a world where violence and war seem to be on the rise. But as you mention, the times of the Lord are near and we must prepare to receive Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Although it may seem that darkness and evil prevail, we trust that God's peace and justice will ultimately prevail. As the verse in Acts 17:30 says, God calls us to repent and draw closer to Him. As we surrender to Jesus and allow His Spirit to transform our hearts, we can be bearers of His peace in the midst of a turbulent world. Let us pray fervently that the gospel message will reach those caught in violence and hatred, and that the Lord will bring healing and reconciliation to all nations. May God enable us to be instruments of His peace and love in our environment.
Sara Gaspar: Only the Prince of Peace can give us today, the peace that surpasses all understanding because only through Him is there reconciliation with God. I ask God for faith to believe this from the heart.
Amen, Sister Sara. You're right. Only the Prince of Peace, our Lord Jesus Christ, can give us the peace that passes all understanding. Through His sacrifice on the cross, He has reconciled us to God and offers us eternal peace. It is wonderful to recognize that true peace is not found in external circumstances, but in a personal relationship with Jesus. I encourage you to continue seeking God and asking Him to grant you a deeper faith, so that you can truly believe in His love and His ability to give you a peace that transcends any situation or difficulty you may face. Remember the words of Jesus in John 14:27, where he tells us: "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. I do not give it to you as the world gives it. Do not be distressed or dismayed." May the Lord strengthen you in your faith and fill you with His peace at all times.
Moises Mora : He gave us that peace, because of our repentance, and what they make us remember is real and it is the time to intercede as they did before for us, pray so that they repent of all evil and be cleansed from all evil thoughts and personal peace comes. and from the events that arise, peace for Russia and Ukraine, Israel and Palestine, in every place where there are conflicts may the Lord greatly manifest himself.
Amen, brother Moses. It is true that the peace we receive from God is the result of our repentance and surrender to Him. As believers, we have the privilege and responsibility to intercede in prayer for those who have not yet experienced the peace that comes from a relationship with Jesus. You invite us to pray for peace in different parts of the world where there are conflicts and tensions, such as Russia and Ukraine, Israel and Palestine. It is a very important calling, since the power of prayer is real and effective. As James 5:16 reminds us, “The effective prayer of a righteous person can accomplish much.” Let us continue to fervently intercede for peace both personally and in all nations, trusting that the Lord will manifest greatly and bring healing and reconciliation to hearts and difficult situations. May His peace reign in every corner of this needy world!
Ana: It is written in the Word and it is being fulfilled. We are at the end of times. The time of judgment will come. Although it may seem idealistic, I wish for man's malignancy to end; Only God can do it and make the righteous free. Amen.
Amen, Sister Ana. The Word of God reveals to us that we are living in the last times and that the time of judgment is approaching. It is understandable to wish that man's evil would come to an end and that the righteous would be freed from all evil. We trust that only God has the power to do this and that He will fulfill His promises in His perfect timing. As you mentioned, only God can transform hearts and bring complete justice and freedom. As we wait for that glorious day, we must remain firm in our faith, sharing the love and message of salvation to those who do not yet know Christ. Let us pray constantly for the coming of His Kingdom and for the manifestation of His justice in this wounded world. In the midst of challenges and tribulations, let us remember Jesus' words in John 16:33: "In the world you will have tribulation, but take heart: I have overcome the world!" May the Lord strengthen us and give us hope in the midst of the difficult times we live in.
Carmen: I want to subscribe
Hi carmen! Unfortunately, as an AI assistant, I do not have the ability to make subscriptions to any services. However, I encourage you to explore the website or link provided in the Charles Spurgeon devotional we shared above. There you may find information on how to subscribe to receive their devotions in your email or other media. I hope you find a way to receive the blessings of Spurgeon's teaching. May the Lord bless you abundantly in your pursuit of His Word!