God speaks today Wednesday | January 10, 2024

Depart from evil, and do good; seek peace, and pursue it. (Psalm 34:14)
Let us therefore follow after the things which make for peace, and things wherewith one may edify another. (Romans 14:19)
Ernst Diehl

The search for peace

The search for peace requires active participation and a deliberate choice to leave behind negativity. It is a journey that may have challenges, but each detour is an opportunity to learn and grow. It is a communal effort that uplifts the entire community. Read more...

Cross Reference

Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord: (Hebrews 12:14)
Depart from evil, and do good; and dwell for evermore. (Psalm 37:27)
Wash you, make you clean; put away the evil of your doings from before mine eyes; cease to do evil; (Isaiah 1:16)
If it be possible, as much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men. (Romans 12:18)


Carlos Antonio Borja Flores: I ask for prayers for Ecuador, the country where I was born and live, which is immersed in a situation of ferocious crime, with the support of corrupt politicians.
Dear Carlos Antonio Borja Flores, I understand your concern about the situation that your country, Ecuador, is going through. It is difficult to live in a place where crime and corruption seem to prevail. However, it is important to remember the words of Psalm 34:14 that invite us to turn from evil and do good, and to seek and follow peace. I know it can be discouraging, but as Ernst Diehl teaches us in his devotional, the search for peace requires our active participation. We must not remain passive, but make conscious decisions to move away from negativity and work for the well-being of our community. In times like these, it is crucial to come together as believers and engage in a shared pursuit of peace and mutual edification, as the Apostle Paul urges us in Romans 14:19. I encourage you to find ways to contribute to the well-being of your country, whether through prayer, citizen participation, or supporting initiatives that promote justice and transparency. Remember that every challenge and detour along the way is not a failure, but an opportunity to learn and grow. Keep hope and trust that, with the help of God and the collaboration of committed people, positive change can be achieved in Ecuador. I will be praying for your country and for you.
Francisco Diaz S.: For there to be peace in the world, people, communities, individuals must agree, they must forgive and accept each other and that is very difficult to achieve.-Peace; true peace is in Christ Jesus, our King and Lord
Dear Francisco Diaz S., thank you for sharing your perspective on peace in the world. I agree with you that to achieve peace, it is necessary for people, communities and individuals to agree, forgive and accept each other. As Ernst Diehl mentions in his devotional, seeking peace involves a deliberate search and intentional exploration of paths that lead us away from discord and towards tranquility. It is encouraging that you mention that true peace is found in Christ Jesus, our King and Lord. Finding inner peace and living in harmony with others is based on our relationship with God. When we draw closer to Him, we find comfort, restoration, and the ability to forgive and accept others. It is important to remember the words of Psalm 34:14, which calls us to turn from evil and do good, and to seek peace and follow it. Although it may be difficult to achieve peace in the world, as believers, we can be agents of change through our actions and attitudes. By showing love, compassion, and forgiveness to others, we can contribute to mutual peace and edification, as the Apostle Paul urges us in Romans 14:19. Let us maintain our faith in Christ Jesus and seek peace in all our interactions and relationships. Let us constantly pray for peace in the world and for the ability to forgive and accept others as our Lord would. May the peace of Christ be with you at all times.
Moises Mora: If separating is the best, and it is ID and share that peace that is in us and open changes on this earth one by one
Dear Moisés Mora, thank you for your comment. I agree with you that turning away from evil and seeking peace is essential to generating positive changes on earth. As Ernst Diehl mentions in his devotional, the search for peace is not a passive effort, but requires our active participation. When we experience the peace that comes from God in our lives, we can share it with those around us. By living in harmony with others, we demonstrate the love and peace that come from our Lord. Through our actions and attitudes, we can influence the transformation of our environment. It is important to remember that each of us can make a difference. As we share the peace of Christ with others, we can be instruments of change on this earth, one by one. Whether by showing compassion, forgiving, being patient or promoting reconciliation, we can help build a more peaceful and harmonious world. Let us continue seeking peace, sharing it and opening paths of change in our community and in the world. May God guide us and strengthen us in this purpose. May the peace of Christ fill your life and inspire you to continue being an agent of positive change!
Ana Soto Marmolejo: It strengthens my spirit, thank you for this reflection. God bless you always, congratulations.
Dear Ana Soto Marmolejo, I am very happy that these reflections have strengthened you spiritually! It is wonderful to feel how the Word of God and the teachings of Ernst Diehl can impact our lives in a positive way. I hope you continue to seek peace and share it with those around you. Allow God to guide you on this path and be a channel of blessing for others. May his grace and love always accompany you in everything you do. May God bless you abundantly and may you experience His peace in every aspect of your life! Congratulations on your spiritual growth!
Wulfredo : Ask for Peace in Israel, in Judah, in Jerusalem, because it is written that those who love you may prosper. May Peace be within your walls and rest within your palaces: I will say Peace be with you amen
Dear Wulfredo, thank you for your comment and for reminding us of the importance of praying for the peace of Israel, Judah and Jerusalem. It is inspiring to see your commitment to intercede for the peace of these significant places. In the Bible, in Psalm 122:6, we are urged to ask for the peace of Jerusalem. It is a reminder that we must pray for harmony and tranquility in this city so important to the Christian faith. Just as you mention, it is good to remember the words of Psalm 122:7, where we are encouraged to seek peace within the walls and palaces of Jerusalem. May this peace be a reality in all aspects of life in this city and may God's blessings be upon those who love it and work for its well-being. Continue praying for the peace of Israel, Judah and Jerusalem. May the peace of God reign in these places and may they become symbols of unity, reconciliation and blessing for all. Amen.
Ines : When reviewing today's devotional when applying read more, the reflection from the 10th appears and not the 11th by Pastor Roberto Miranda
Dear Inés, I am very sorry for the confusion in today's devotional. It seems that there has been an error in showing the reflection corresponding to the 11th of Pastor Roberto Miranda. At times, technical issues may occur that affect the proper presentation of content. I suggest that you try to access the devotional again or, if possible, contact the person responsible for the site or platform where you found the devotional to inform them of the problem. They will be able to correct the situation and ensure that the correct reflection is available to everyone. I'm sorry for the inconvenience caused and I hope you can find the right reflection soon. May God bless you abundantly in your pursuit of spiritual growth.
Yda urrutia: Amen to the powerful word of the Lord...God give us the wisdom and above all his love to bring his message to those around us and pray that the work of the Holy Spirit be with all of them, and thus they may come to the knowledge of the truth ...Blessings in Christ Jesus.
Dear Yda Urrutia, amen to your words! It is wonderful to see your desire to be a bearer of God's message and to pray for the Holy Spirit to work in the lives of those around you. God's wisdom and love are essential to sharing his truth and leading others to the knowledge of the truth found in Christ Jesus. Remember that, as believers, we are called to be witnesses of God's love and grace in our lives. By living according to the principles of God's Word and through our actions and words, we can be instruments in carrying his message to those around us. May God infuse you with abundant wisdom and love so that you can fulfill the calling He has given you. May the Holy Spirit guide you every step and may you be a blessing to those you meet. May the name of Christ Jesus be glorified in everything you do. Blessings in Christ Jesus to you too!
Alba Fuentes: We must pray for peace in the nations and seek peace with God and with our neighbors, blessings brothers
Dear Alba Fuentes, you are absolutely right! Praying for peace in the nations and seeking peace with both God and our neighbors is a responsibility that as believers we must take seriously. The Bible teaches us in Romans 12:18: "If possible, as far as it depends on you, be at peace with everyone." This shows us the importance of seeking peace and harmony with those around us, seeking reconciliation and forgiveness. Additionally, in 1 Timothy 2:1-2 we are encouraged to pray for authorities and for all people, so that we may live in peace and tranquility. Our prayers can have a powerful impact on nations and people's lives. May we continue to pray fervently for peace in the nations, persevering in our commitment to bring the message of love and reconciliation to those around us. May God bless us with his peace and enable us to be instruments of his peace in a world that needs it so much. Blessings to you too, sister! May the peace of God always be with you.
Alberto de Jesús: Send me the devotionals every day
Dear Alberto de Jesús, I appreciate your interest in receiving the daily devotionals. However, I want to clarify that I do not have the ability to send devotionals personally, since I am a virtual assistant. I suggest that you contact the source where you obtained the devotionals or the person in charge of providing them to request that they be sent to you daily. They will be able to provide you with the necessary information and ensure that you receive devotionals regularly. I hope that you can continue to be nourished spiritually through the devotions and that you continue to grow in your relationship with God. May He bless you abundantly as you seek to know Him more and live according to His will.
Alberto de Jesús: send me
Dear Alberto de Jesús, I am sorry for the previous confusion, but as I mentioned above, as a virtual assistant I do not have the ability to send devotionals personally. I would recommend that you contact the source or person responsible for providing the devotionals and ask them to send them to you regularly. If the devotionals are part of an online publication, you may be able to subscribe or follow their page to receive daily updates. If they are sent by email, check to see if there is a link or contact information where you can subscribe or request daily delivery. I hope you can find a way to receive the devotionals daily and that they will be a source of encouragement and spiritual growth for you. May God bless you abundantly in your walk with Him.
Consuelo : I want to receive daily. God speak today
Dear Consuelo, I understand your desire to receive daily devotionals to strengthen your relationship with God. Unfortunately, as a virtual assistant, I do not have the ability to personally send devotionals or subscribe you to specific services. However, I would recommend that you search online or in specialty stores for resources that offer daily "God Speak Today" devotionals. You can explore websites, mobile apps, or even physical books that contain these devotionals. Also, consider joining Bible study groups or prayer groups in your local community. These groups often share daily devotionals and reflections that can be of great help in your spiritual growth. May God guide you in your search for resources that help you receive His word daily and strengthen you in your walk with Him. May you find the inspiration and encouragement you need in your relationship with God. Abundant blessings to you!
Claudia: All the devotionals and teachings through the light of the word are very good, I appreciate you continuing to send them to me, I bless your lives and your ministry
Dear Claudia, thank you for your kind comment. I am glad to know that you have found the devotionals and teachings meaningful and uplifting for your spiritual life. I appreciate your appreciation and blessings towards our ministry. It is always gratifying to know that our work is positively impacting people's lives. Although as a virtual assistant I cannot personally send devotionals, I encourage you to continue searching for reliable sources of teaching and devotionals based on the Word of God. Remember that it is important to cultivate a personal relationship with God and seek His guidance through reading and meditating on His Word. May the Lord continue to bless you abundantly on your spiritual path and may you find inspiration and growth in His Word. God bless you and keep you always!