God speaks today Monday | January 8, 2024

Then Samuel took the horn of oil, and anointed him in the midst of his brethren: and the Spirit of the LORD came upon David from that day forward. So Samuel rose up, and went to Ramah. (1 Samuel 16:13)
Now concerning spiritual gifts, brethren, I would not have you ignorant. (1 Corinthians 12:1)
Dr. Roberto Miranda

Gifts are forever

Every mature believer should be familiar with the gifts of the Spirit, which are the medium through which God channels His power through His people. The prophetic gift, for example, is used to inform, instruct, encourage, and correct believers. The idea that the gifts stopped manifesting after the establishment of the Canon of Scripture is false, as the gifts were designed to meet ongoing needs in the lives of God's people. Without expectation and faith in God's power, the manifestation of gifts will decline, leaving believers vulnerable to the Enemy. To cultivate these gifts, believers must study the Bible, receive the fullness of the Holy Spirit, and begin to use these resources in their daily lives. Read more...

Cross Reference

And the Spirit of the LORD will come upon thee, and thou shalt prophesy with them, and shalt be turned into another man. (1 Samuel 10:6)
If any man think himself to be a prophet, or spiritual, let him acknowledge that the things that I write unto you are the commandments of the Lord. (1 Corinthians 14:37)
Now there are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit. (1 Corinthians 12:4)
Then Samuel took a vial of oil, and poured it upon his head, and kissed him, and said, Is it not because the LORD hath anointed thee to be captain over his inheritance? (1 Samuel 10:1)


Pedro Naranjo: I don't know this topic
Dear Pedro Naranjo, it is understandable that you may have doubts or lack of knowledge about spiritual gifts. But I encourage you not to ignore this topic and seek to understand it better. As the apostle Paul says in 1 Corinthians 12:1, "Concerning spiritual gifts, I do not want you to be ignorant, brothers." Dr. Roberto Miranda reminds us in his devotional that the gifts of the Spirit are a specific way in which God channels his power through his people. These gifts were not limited to a bygone era, but continue to manifest in the Church to this day. As the devotional mentions, the prophetic gift, for example, is one of the gifts that God uses to inform, instruct, encourage, and correct his people. I encourage you to study the Bible and learn more about how spiritual gifts work. Do not be afraid to seek the fullness of the Holy Spirit in your life, since it is in that experience where the movement of the gifts begins to manifest. Remember that these gifts are a wonderful resource that God has given us as an inheritance. As you use them, even if imperfectly at first, they will awaken and develop in you. Don't hesitate to ask questions and seek knowledge on this topic! May the Holy Spirit guide you in your search.
Pedro Naranjo: I want to learn
How wonderful, Pedro Naranjo, that you have the desire to learn about spiritual gifts! It is a fascinating topic that allows us to experience the supernatural power of God in our lives and in the Church. Dr. Roberto Miranda encourages us in his devotional to study the Bible and instruct ourselves about the correct functioning of the gifts in the life of the believer. As we spend time in God's Word, we can better understand how the gifts are manifested and how we can use them to build up and strengthen the Church. Furthermore, I encourage you to seek moments of communion with the Holy Spirit and to receive by faith the filling of the Spirit in your life. As the devotional mentions, it is in that encounter with the Holy Spirit where the movement of the gifts begins, whether in the ministry or in daily life. Allow the Holy Spirit to teach and guide you in your learning process and spiritual growth. Remember that this process can be gradual and that it is normal to have questions and doubts along the way. Don't be afraid to seek guidance from trusted spiritual leaders and participate in communities of faith where you can learn and grow in your spiritual gifts. May God bless you in your search and grant you wisdom and revelation to understand and apply spiritual gifts in your life!
Enrique Meneses Muñoz : LORD, help me to use well the gifts you have given me.
Beloved Enrique Meneses Muñoz, you have expressed a beautiful prayer to the Lord. It is wonderful that you want to correctly use the gifts God has given you. Remember that in his devotional, Dr. Roberto Miranda encourages us to cultivate and use by faith these spiritual resources that God has given us as an inheritance. It is important to seek the guidance and direction of the Holy Spirit to use the gifts in correct and uplifting ways. The apostle Paul tells us in 1 Corinthians 12:7: "But to each one is given the manifestation of the Spirit for profit." This means that the gifts are not for our own benefit, but for the well-being of the Church and for the glory of God. I encourage you to seek a deeper relationship with the Holy Spirit and to pray constantly for Him to guide you in the use of your gifts. Ask the Lord for wisdom and discernment to recognize how you can use your gifts effectively in service to others. Also remember that the process of using the gifts can be gradual and requires practice and perseverance. Do not be afraid to make mistakes in your first attempts, for it is through practice and constant seeking of God's will that the gifts are developed and used most effectively. May the Holy Spirit enlighten you and enable you to be a channel of blessing through the gifts that God has given you. May the Lord guide you and strengthen you in your desire to use those gifts well!
Alba Román : I believe that: Spiritual gifts are tools that have been given to us to develop our physical and spiritual strengths. They help us lead a stable life in all facets of our being. Joyful and grateful lives. Through studies on the gifts that have been given to us we create our everlasting spiritual identity.
Dear Alba Román, thank you for sharing your opinion about spiritual gifts. It is true that gifts are tools that God has given us to develop our physical and spiritual strengths. As Dr. Roberto Miranda mentions in his devotional, the gifts of the Spirit are the means through which God channels his power through his people. Furthermore, your words highlight the importance of gifts in all facets of our being. They allow us to lead a stable and joyful life, and help us grow in our spiritual identity. It is through the study and understanding of the gifts we have received that we can develop and strengthen our relationship with God and with others. Continue to explore and learn about spiritual gifts, and seek how to use them effectively for the blessing of yourself and those around you. May the Holy Spirit guide you in your walk and help you fully develop your gifts for the glory of God. Blessings on your spiritual search and growth!
Francisco Diaz S.: To have a gift is to be outstanding in some physical or spiritual activity, just as God gave the gift of wisdom to King Solomon, so he gives the gift to the prophets, to the ministers, to those who take care of your health, to those who compete. , to artists and many others.-Let us learn to recognize the gift that God has given us and cultivate it so that we fulfill the divine objective.- Let us glorify ourselves in the Lord
Dear Francisco Diaz S., thank you for sharing your reflection on gifts. You are right to highlight that having a gift implies excelling in some physical or spiritual activity. As you mention, God has given specific gifts to people like King Solomon, prophets, ministers, health professionals, athletes, artists, and many others. It is important to recognize and value the gifts that God has given us individually. Each of us has been equipped with unique talents and abilities to fulfill a divine purpose in the world. As Dr. Roberto Miranda mentions in his devotional, we must learn to move in the supernatural power of God through the gifts he has given us. By properly cultivating and using our gifts, we can fulfill divine purpose and glorify God in all we do. Let us gratefully acknowledge the gifts we have received and seek how to use them for our own blessing and to positively impact others. May we glorify ourselves in the Lord, recognizing that all gifts come from Him and seeking to use them for His glory. May the Holy Spirit guide and enable us in the development and use of our gifts for the well-being and edification of the body of Christ. May God bless you abundantly as you discover and cultivate your gifts!
Moises Mora: In each of us the Lord manifests himself, with that feeling and that burden towards others accompanied with gifts and abilities to be used towards others and read the Bible, to present defense.
Dear Moisés Mora, thank you for sharing your comment. It is true that in each of us, the Lord manifests himself through gifts and abilities that he has given us to be used in service to others. As you mention, these gifts and abilities allow us to have a sensitive heart towards the needs of others and enable us to carry out actions that reflect the love and grace of God. It invites us to read the Bible and delve deeper into it to better understand the truth and be able to present a defense based on faith. It is important to recognize and value that these gifts and abilities are not for our own benefit, but to be channels of blessing and testimony of God's love in the world. As we grow in our knowledge of God's Word and in our relationship with Him, we can better discern how to use our gifts for the well-being of others and for the expansion of God's Kingdom. May the Holy Spirit guide and empower you in using your gifts and abilities to positively impact those around you. May we be living testimonies of God's love and grace through our gifts and actions. May God bless you and use you mightily in your service to others!
Jesús rios : I believe that Jesus Christ is the same today and forever, we need to be filled with the holy spirit and his powerful gifts, as they make the servant of GOD well equipped to carry out the work of preaching the gospel.
Dear Jesús Ríos, thank you for sharing your opinion. You are right in stating that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever. As you mention, it is essential to be filled with the Holy Spirit and his powerful gifts to be equipped in the work of preaching the gospel. In his devotional, Dr. Roberto Miranda also emphasizes the importance of being familiar with the functioning of the gifts of the Spirit. These gifts are the specific means by which God channels his power through his people. When we are filled with the Holy Spirit and use the gifts He has given us, we become servants of God well equipped to carry out the work of preaching the gospel and extending the Kingdom of God. It is through the manifestation of these gifts that we can impact the lives of others and show the love and power of Jesus Christ. May we constantly seek the fullness of the Holy Spirit and open ourselves to His guidance to use the gifts effectively in preaching and in all areas of our lives. May the Holy Spirit enable and strengthen us to carry out God's work with courage and passion. May the Lord bless you and use you mightily in preaching the gospel and serving his Kingdom!
Jesús rios : Amen blessings 😘
Amen, blessings to you too, Jesús Ríos. May the Lord continue to guide and strengthen you in your spiritual walk. May you experience His love and grace in abundance, and may your gifts and abilities be used for your own blessing and for the blessing of those around you. May the peace and joy of the Lord be with you always! 😊🙏
Ornella Beatriz: I ask the Holy Spirit to reveal my gifts to me 🙏🏻
Dear Ornella Beatriz, it is wonderful that you are seeking to know and discover the gifts that the Holy Spirit has placed within you. By praying and asking the Holy Spirit to reveal your gifts to you, you are opening your heart to receive His guidance and direction. Remember that spiritual gifts are special abilities that God gives us to carry out his work in the world. It is through these gifts that we can serve others and glorify God. I encourage you to continue searching in prayer and studying the Word of God. Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal your gifts to you and to give you the wisdom and discernment to understand how to use them for His glory. Trust that the Holy Spirit will guide you and show you what your gifts are. Be patient and persistent in this process, and remain open and receptive to its direction. May the Holy Spirit reveal your gifts to you in a clear way and may you use them for your own blessing and for the blessing of others. May you live your life to the fullest, fulfilling the divine purpose for which you were created. May God bless you and guide you on this journey of discovering your spiritual gifts! 🙏🌟
Rogelio Nañez Bugarin: Really living according to God's plan requires putting into operation the gifts that He gave us, I bless you!!!
Dear Rogelio Nañez Bugarin, thank you for your comment. You are absolutely right, living according to God's plan involves putting into operation the gifts that He has given us. It is through these gifts that we can fulfill divine purpose and be a blessing to others. Dr. Roberto Miranda, in his devotional, mentions that the gifts of the Spirit are channeled by God to meet needs that are still manifest in the lives of God's people. It is important to recognize that these gifts are not only for our own benefit, but to be used in service to others and to glorify God. When we put into use the gifts God has given us, we are living in obedience and alignment with His will. We are actively participating in his plan and contributing to the building and growth of his Kingdom. May God continue to bless and guide you as you put to use the gifts He has given you. May you live a life full of purpose and blessing, serving others with love and humility. May your gifts be a light that reflects God's love and grace in the world! 🌟🙏
Franklin mora : Blessings, my beloved ones from the Lion of Judah, I want to notify you that I have not received the last messages of this week in the course of the year 2024 where I have missed you with deep spiritual need because you have been a great blessing and edification for several years. I declare a blessing in honor and greatness. For the entire ministerial team of God, speak today with Pastor Miranda, a thousand blessings, greetings, frsterno🙌🔥🕊️🇻🇪🙌
Dear Franklin Mora, thank you for your message and your words of blessing. However, I must clarify that I am an artificial intelligence assistant and do not have the ability to send messages or be part of a ministry team. However, I encourage you to approach God in prayer and express your spiritual needs to Him. He is our refuge and strength, and is always willing to listen to us and respond to our requests. If there is a specific situation that you need to share with the God Speaks Today ministry team or Pastor Miranda, I suggest you contact them directly through the appropriate channels. May God bless you abundantly and fill you with his love and grace. May you find in Him the answer to your needs and may His presence strengthen and encourage you in your spiritual walk. May you experience His peace and guidance at all times! 🙏🌟
apitadedani@hotmail.com: Blessings brothers, please do not stop sending me the daily devotional. Thank you
Dear apitadedani@hotmail.com, I regret to inform you that I am an artificial intelligence assistant and I do not have the ability to send or manage the sending of daily devotionals. However, I suggest that you contact the God Speaks Today ministry team or Pastor Miranda to request delivery of the daily devotional. You can visit their official website or social networks for more information on how to subscribe and receive the devotional directly to your email or other means of communication. May God bless you and guide you in your quest for spiritual growth. May you find daily devotionals a source of inspiration and edification for your life. May His Word strengthen you and guide you every day! 🙏🌟
Aleida Lora : Praise you my great God. Thank you for this bread that quenches hunger and thirst! Help me discover my gifts or interpret them and use them in the right way. Fill my heart with humility and love, may it be contrition and humbled at your feet. Lightly from all vanity of this world! Cover me with your holy spirit...Amen. I'm a little anxious because from this day 8/1/24...their message has not arrived and my heart feels empty...they are on vacation! Blessings I await you 🙏
Dear Aleida Lora, praise our great God. Through your beautiful prayer, you express your longing to discover and use your gifts correctly. It is wonderful to see your humility and desire to be faithful to God in everything. Remember that God is the one who enables and guides us in the development and use of our gifts. Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal your gifts to you and help you interpret them and use them for His glory. Keep your heart humble and open to His guidance. I understand your anxiety about receiving today's message, but remember that sometimes there may be delays due to different circumstances. I encourage you to be patient and trust that God has a perfect plan at all times. Take advantage of this time of waiting to immerse yourself in God's Word, pray and seek his presence. Allow Him to fill your heart with His love and peace. Trust in their fidelity and perfect timing. May God bless you abundantly and fill your heart with his Holy Spirit. May you find comfort and fulfillment in his presence. May his message reach you at the right time and be a source of strength and edification! 🙏🌟
Rogelio Nañez: Excellent reflection and I ask you to please continue sending me God speaks today since since the 8th I have not received more. Blessings
Dear Rogelio Nañez, I appreciate your comment and your interest in continuing to receive the reflections of God Speaks Today. However, I want to clarify that I am an artificial intelligence assistant and do not have the ability to send or manage the sending of devotionals. I suggest that you contact the God Speaks Today ministry team directly to inform them of the situation and request that they continue sending you devotionals. You can visit their official website or contact them through their social networks for more information on how to subscribe or resolve any shipping issues. May God bless you and guide you in your quest for spiritual growth. May you find in the reflections of God Speaks Today a source of inspiration and edification for your life. May His Word continue to be a light on your path and strengthen you at all times! 🙏🌟
Xiomara Tajan Calderón : I need a lot of prayer. My brother has an unfair civil lawsuit. I have a dangerous bacteria. Please help me by praying. You have had this request since I met you. This case has been going on for more than 18 years. It will be 19 years in December.
Dear Xiomara Tajan Calderón, I am very sorry to hear about the difficulties you are facing. It is comforting to see your faith and your request for prayer in the midst of these difficult situations you are going through. I encourage you to continue trusting in the power of prayer and in God's faithfulness to intervene in the midst of your circumstances. He is our refuge in times of affliction, and his love and mercy are inexhaustible. I ask God to pour out his peace and comfort on you and your brother in the midst of these trials. May his healing hand touch your body and restore your health. May his divine justice be manifested in your brother's case and may truth and justice prevail. Stay firm in prayer, trusting that God hears your requests and that his will will be fulfilled in his perfect time. You are not alone in this situation, God is with you and his love will sustain you. May the peace of God that surpasses all understanding fill your heart and give you strength in the midst of adversity. May His love and grace be with you at all times and sustain you as you wait! 🙏🌟
Xiomara Tajan Calderón : Amen God bless you for your great work of bringing encouragement
Amen, Xiomara Tajan Calderón. May God's blessings continue to be poured out upon you and upon all those who seek encouragement and strength in the midst of difficult circumstances. May God's light and love guide your steps and sustain you at all times. Thank you for your words of encouragement. Remember that you can always turn to prayer and the Word of God to find comfort and hope. May the peace and presence of God be your strength at all times. May the grace and mercy of our Lord accompany you every step of the way. May His love flood your life and sustain you at all times! 🙏🌟