God speaks today Wednesday | January 3, 2024

He will not always chide: neither will he keep his anger for ever. (Psalm 103:9)
For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory; (2 Corinthians 4:17)
Charles Spurgeon

There is no reason for despair

God may contend with us when we sin, but His rebuke is not forever. If we repent and turn to Him, He will forgive us and comfort us. We should not despair, but seek His face with humble hearts. He forgave us before as a judge, and He can forgive us again as a loving Father. Let us rejoice in His unchanging love. Read more...

Cross Reference

For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us. (Romans 8:18)
But the God of all grace, who hath called us unto his eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after that ye have suffered a while, make you perfect, stablish, strengthen, settle you. (1 Peter 5:10)
And not only so, but we glory in tribulations also: knowing that tribulation worketh patience; (Romans 5:3)
Blessed is the man that endureth temptation: for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised to them that love him. (James 1:12)


Neila Salcedo Barón : Thank you for your word that the right time has come in my life, which encourages me not to falter and to continue trusting God and increases my faith more every day
Dear Neila Salcedo Barón, thank you for sharing your comment. I am glad that Charles Spurgeon's words reached you at the right time and gave you encouragement and strength to continue trusting in God. It's wonderful how His Word can increase our faith every day. As Psalm 103:9 mentions, "He will not fight with us forever, nor will He keep His anger forever." Let us remember that although we may sometimes feel God's rebuke, He is always ready to forgive us and comfort us when we turn to Him with repentant hearts. Let us continue to seek His face and trust in His unchanging love. May hopes and grateful memories fill your heart. Blessings!
Enrique Meneses Muñoz : My joy is the joy of the LORD.
Dear Enrique Meneses Muñoz, thank you for sharing your comment. I am glad that your joy is the joy of the Lord. As Charles Spurgeon mentions in his devotional, God rejoices when our joy is full. He delights in loving us and comforting us. Let us remember that in His presence we find true joy. Let us continue to seek God and allow Him to be our source of joy. May His love and presence continue to fill your life. Blessings!
Enrique Meneses Muñoz : Blessed word of GOD
Amen, Enrique Meneses Muñoz. How blessed is the Word of God! Through her we find guidance, comfort and strength. It reveals to us the love and will of our heavenly Father. As Charles Spurgeon mentions in his devotional, there is no reason for despair when we have the Word of God as our foundation. Let us continue to hold on to it and allow it to guide us every step of our way. May the Word of God continue to be a source of blessing and edification in your life. Abundant blessings!
Aleida Lora : Thank God who has allowed us to see a new day, a new year. Thank God that He uses His congregation to reach out to us and give us encouragement and hope. He makes us feel his presence in everything good, also in trials... and every day he gives us the opportunity, even if we fail, to get closer to him and he accepts us with all our defects. Thank you Lord 🙏. Amen
Dear Aleida Lora, thank you for sharing your beautiful message of gratitude to God. It is true, each new day and each new year are a gift from God, and it is wonderful to recognize His presence in all the good and in the trials. As Charles Spurgeon mentions in his devotional, God accepts us with all our flaws and gives us the opportunity to draw closer to Him, even when we fail. His love and grace are immeasurable. Let us continue to thank the Lord and trust in His faithfulness. May His presence continue to accompany you in every step of your life. Amen! Abundant blessings.
Francisco Diaz S.: Sin brings serious consequences in our lives but if, repentant, we turn to God and ask for forgiveness, in his infinite mercy God cleanses us and comforts us. - Cleanse, Lord, our faults and free us from all evil. Am{en
Amen, Francisco Diaz S. You are absolutely right, sin brings serious consequences in our lives, but thanks to God's infinite mercy, when we repent and turn to Him, we can experience His forgiveness and comfort. As Charles Spurgeon mentions in his devotional, God is pleased to forgive us and make our joy complete. Let us continue to trust in His purifying power and in His ability to free us from all evil. Let us pray that He cleanses our faults and guides us along His path. May you experience the peace and comfort that only God can give. Blessings!
Dear Abel, thank you for your comment. We are glad to know that you are seeking the support and prayers of your fellow believers. Let me remind you that I am not Charles Spurgeon, but as a facilitator, I can tell you that it is wonderful to see how the Christian community comes together in prayer and mutual support. You can be sure that there are brothers and sisters around the world who are willing to pray for you, even from Peru. May the Lord sustain you, strengthen you and guide you every step of your path. May you find comfort and peace in His presence. Abundant blessings!
Moises Mora: Dealing with him is a privilege for me, it better come from Him, so He polishes me and molds me to be blessings for others, thus cleansing me of all evil ID, Speak, my love.
Amen, Moisés Mora. It is a privilege to be able to deal with the correction and discipline of our beloved Heavenly Father. As you mention, through His love and care, He polishes and molds us to be blessings to others. His desire is for us to be cleansed from all evil and to speak from the love that He has given us. May you continue to allow God to shape and transform you through His love and correction. May your words and actions reflect His love and grace to those around you. Abundant blessings!
Alfredo Romero Orozco: Wonderful word amen and amen
Amen, Alfredo Romero Orozco. It is wonderful to be able to receive and affirm the Word of God with a heart full of gratitude and faith. His word is powerful and fills us with hope. May you continue to be blessed as you meditate on the wonderful promises God has given us. May your life be a living manifestation of His love and grace. Amen and amen! Abundant blessings.
FRANKLIN ZAPATA: Good morning, a great blessing that through this means God uses people like you. many blessings until it abounds. For me and my family, the daily word has been a great blessing.
Good morning, Franklin Zapata. We appreciate your words and we are happy to know that the word of God shared through this medium has been a great blessing for you and your family. It is a privilege to be able to be instruments in God's hands to bring His message of love and hope. May you continue to be strengthened and guided by His Word each day. May the grace and blessings of God abound in your life and that of your family. May you continue to experience the fullness of His love and the wonderful promises He has for you! Abundant blessings!
FRANKLIN ZAPATA: Today I have not received my portion of the daily word, thank you
I am very sorry that you did not receive your portion of the daily word today, Franklin Zapata. We understand how important it is to have that daily spiritual food to strengthen us and guide us in our walk with God. I encourage you to verify if there has been any error or problem in the delivery, and if necessary, contact the person in charge or responsible for the distribution of the daily word. Remember that the Word of God is always available in the Bible, and you can search for it and meditate on it at any time of the day. May the peace and grace of the Lord accompany you in your search for His Word. Blessings!
Rubén López : Please, I didn't get the word for today, Thursday, January 4.
I am very sorry that you did not receive today's word, Thursday, January 4, Rubén López. I understand how important it is to have access to the daily word to strengthen and edify us in our faith. I would recommend that you check if there has been any problem with the subscription or the delivery of the word, and if necessary, contact the person in charge or responsible to resolve the problem. In the meantime, I encourage you to search the Bible and meditate on any passages you can find. Remember that God's Word is always accessible and you can seek comfort and guidance from it at any time. May the peace and grace of the Lord accompany you in your search for His Word. Blessings!
Luisa Azucena Chan: That's right, suffering brings us closer to our good God
You are absolutely right, Luisa Azucena Chan. Although suffering can be difficult to bear, it is in those moments of pain and affliction that we can most deeply experience the closeness and comfort of our good God. He is always ready to be by our side, giving us strength, comfort and hope in the midst of adversity. It brings us closer to Him and teaches us valuable lessons of trust and dependence on His love and power. May you continue to experience His closeness and love every step of your way. Abundant blessings!
Rubén bautista: Thank you for sharing the word of God, which is encouragement and strength, God Bless you!
Thank you, Rubén Bautista, for your words of gratitude. We are very happy to know that the word of God shared here has been of encouragement and strength to you. It is our desire to be able to bring God's message of love and hope through this medium. May the Lord bless you abundantly and continue to strengthen your faith as you draw closer to Him through His Word. May you continue to be inspired and guided by His love and grace! Blessings!