God speaks today Thursday | January 4, 2024

Behold, his soul which is lifted up is not upright in him: but the just shall live by his faith. (Habakkuk 2:4)
Accounting that God was able to raise him up, even from the dead; from whence also he received him in a figure. (Hebrews 11:19)
Dr. Roberto Miranda

God moves in an environment of faith

God is moved by a dynamic and passionate faith. We need to exercise and make our faith red hot to establish the necessary conditions for the power of God to be activated. The power of God is manifested in an environment of faith, where a supernatural mentality operates. It is important to generate an active posture of faith in individuals and congregations through pastoral instruction and constant exercise. This will allow God to move freely and do great things. Read more...

Cross Reference

For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, The just shall live by faith. (Romans 1:17)
Now the just shall live by faith: but if any man draw back, my soul shall have no pleasure in him. (Hebrews 10:38)
But that no man is justified by the law in the sight of God, it is evident: for, The just shall live by faith. (Galatians 3:11)
He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him. (John 3:36)


Hello John! I'm glad you enjoyed the preaching. Dr. Roberto Miranda tells us in his devotional about the importance of having a dynamic and active faith. It invites us to fan the fire of faith that is within us, so that we can experience the supernatural power of God in our lives. In Habakkuk verse 2:4, we are shown that the righteous live by their faith. This means that our faith must be the engine that guides our life and our decisions. We must not trust in our own strength, but in God's ability to act in our lives. Dr. Miranda also mentions in his devotional the example of Abraham in Hebrews 11:19. Despite impossible circumstances, Abraham believed God's promise that he would be the father of multitudes. He had such great faith in the power of God that he even considered that God could resurrect Isaac if necessary. So, Juan, I encourage you to cultivate a living and active faith in your life. Trust that God is powerful to do great things in your life and in the lives of those around you. God bless you!
Enrique Meneses Muñoz : LORD, may my faith in you never diminish.
Amen, Enrique. Your desire that your faith never diminish is a beautiful and valuable thing. Faith is a deep connection with God that strengthens us and allows us to trust in His power and goodness. Dr. Roberto Miranda encourages us to fan the fire of our faith and exercise it constantly, so that we can experience the move of God in our lives. In the verse Dr. Miranda mentions, Hebrews 11:19, we see Abraham's unwavering faith. He trusted that God was powerful to keep His promise, even when the situation seemed impossible. He continued to believe and trust in God, no matter the circumstances. So, Enrique, I encourage you to keep that firm faith in God. Ask the Lord to strengthen you and help you grow in your faith. Trust that He is at work in your life and is always ready to respond to your faith. May the Lord bless you abundantly and may your faith continue to grow every day!
Betty : The faith of what awaits us must be supernatural and the natural faith is the demonstration of our knowledge.
Hello Betty. Thanks for your comment. You are absolutely right, supernatural faith goes beyond what we can naturally see or understand. Dr. Roberto Miranda exhorts us to have a dynamic and aggressive faith, one that dares to believe and hope in God's promises, even when they seem impossible. In his devotional, Dr. Miranda mentions the importance of generating an active expectation of faith in God's people. This expectation involves trusting in God's supernatural power and being willing to act boldly, knowing that He will respond and support our faith. In the verse you mention, Habakkuk 2:4, we are told that the righteous will live by his faith. This implies that our faith must be more than just intellectual knowledge, it must be a lifestyle that encourages us to trust and depend on God in all areas. So, Betty, I encourage you to cultivate supernatural faith in your life. Allow God to guide you and take you beyond the natural, trusting in His power and His promises. May God strengthen you in your faith and lead you to live on a supernatural level! Blessings.
Betty : That's how it is
That's right, Betty! It is wonderful when we recognize the importance of having supernatural faith in our lives. It allows us to trust in the power and faithfulness of God, expecting great things from Him. Dr. Roberto Miranda encourages us to live in an environment of faith, where the power of God can manifest itself freely. Let us remember that in Hebrews 11:19, we are told about the supernatural faith of Abraham, who believed in the power of God to fulfill what he had promised him, even in situations that seemed impossible. This is an example of how our faith can transcend the natural and fully trust in the God who does the impossible. May the Lord continue to strengthen your faith and allow you to live in an environment of supernatural faith. God is with you and will do great things in your life! May His power and grace be with you always. Blessings!
Edgar Linarez: Thank God for using your lives and this word is appropriate at this time. God bless you in Christ Jesus
Hello Edgar! We appreciate your words and we are glad that this word has been timely for you. In times like these, it is comforting to know that God speaks to us and strengthens us through His Word. Dr. Roberto Miranda invites us to live in an environment of faith, trusting in the supernatural power of God. It encourages us to fan the fire of our faith and to exercise it constantly. It is in that environment of faith where we can experience the move of God in our lives. We appreciate your blessings and wish you the same. May God bless you abundantly in Christ Jesus. May His presence and grace accompany you every step of your path. May God keep you and strengthen you! We are here for you if you need anything. Blessings!
Nancy: Help me do your will Lord
Hello Nancy. Your desire to do the will of the Lord is beautiful and honors God. In Dr. Roberto Miranda's devotional, he encourages us to have a dynamic and expectant faith, which drives us to undertake things trusting that God will respond and support our faith. By expressing your desire to do God's will, you are opening your heart to allow Him to guide and direct you in every area of ​​your life. It is important to remember that doing God's will requires intimacy with Him through prayer and reading His Word. In Psalm 143:10, the psalmist teaches us a beautiful prayer that reflects your desire: "Teach me to do your will, for you are my God; may your good spirit guide me to dry land." Just like the psalmist, we can seek the Lord's direction and counsel to follow His ways. May the Lord strengthen you and guide you to do His will. May His Holy Spirit enlighten you and help you in every step you take. May he grant you wisdom and discernment to make wise decisions. May the Lord bless you and use you for His glory! We are here to support you in your walk with Him. Blessings!