God speaks today Friday | December 29, 2023

He will not suffer thy foot to be moved: he that keepeth thee will not slumber. (Psalm 121:3)
And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand. (John 10:28)
Charles Spurgeon

The road of life

If the Lord doesn't allow it, no one can bring us down. Life is like a journey through the Alps, full of pitfalls and enemies, but we can maintain our integrity and walk without stumbling thanks to God's faithful love. Source: The Bank of Faith Checkbook. Read more...

Cross Reference

And this is the Father's will which hath sent me, that of all which he hath given me I should lose nothing, but should raise it up again at the last day. (John 6:39)
All that the Father giveth me shall come to me; and him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out. (John 6:37)
For the LORD shall be thy confidence, and shall keep thy foot from being taken. (Proverbs 3:26)
He will keep the feet of his saints, and the wicked shall be silent in darkness; for by strength shall no man prevail. (1 Samuel 2:9)


Enrique Meneses Muñoz : Grateful to GOD for keeping me at every moment. I love you my lord.
What a beautiful comment, Enrique! It is wonderful to recognize and thank God for his constant care and protection in our lives. As Charles Spurgeon mentions in his devotional, along our path in this life, we are exposed to our feet slipping and falling. But we must remember that the Lord will not allow that to happen. He is our faithful guardian who sustains us and protects us from falling. As Psalm 121:3 says, "He who keeps you will not let your foot slip; he who keeps you will not slumber." It is a great comfort to know that God sustains us and keeps us firm in his love. Furthermore, in the verse you mention from John 10:28, Jesus assures us that those who believe in Him have eternal life and no one will be able to snatch them out of their hand. It is another reminder of the security we have in God and his power to keep us safe and secure. Enrique, it is beautiful to see your love and gratitude towards the Lord in your words. Let us continue to trust in his faithfulness and care in every moment of our lives. May God bless you abundantly!
Luz Tellez : I am so grateful to God for HIS love and HIS faithfulness. He has never abandoned me, even in my loneliness and my moments of sadness, he has always been hugging me and has been merciful to my children and blesses us. Thank you my Lord and God
Dear Luz, your testimony is truly inspiring. It is wonderful to recognize and thank God for his constant love and faithfulness in our lives. As Charles Spurgeon mentions in his devotional, along our path in this life, we face obstacles and traps, moments of loneliness and sadness. But in the midst of it all, God is there, embracing us and showing us his mercy. He never abandons us and always blesses us. It is especially comforting to know that God is faithful even in difficult times and that his love knows no limits. As you mentioned, He has been merciful to your children and blessed them. This is a reminder of His care and provision in our lives. Let us continue to trust in God's love and faithfulness at all times. He sustains us and strengthens us. May your gratitude and love for the Lord continue to grow and may you experience even more of his love and blessings in your life and the lives of your children. May God bless you abundantly, Luz!
ilka viejo henri: God is good and does not allow us to fall into the temptations that the world offers today.
Hello Ilka, thank you for your comment. You are absolutely right that God is good and does not allow us to fall into the temptations we face in this world. As Charles Spurgeon mentions in his devotional, if the Lord does not allow something to happen, neither men nor demons can achieve it. God is our protector and keeps us from falling into the traps and temptations that surround us. It is important to remember that although we face various temptations and challenges in our daily lives, God is always by our side to strengthen us and help us resist. He gives us the ability to stand firm and follow his ways. It is comforting to know that we can trust in God's faithfulness and His power to preserve us from evil. Let us continue to cling to His Word and seek His guidance in every decision we make, so that we can live according to His principles and avoid falling into the temptations of the world. May the Lord continue to bless you and strengthen you in your walk with Him. God is good and worthy of all our trust!
Henry Caballero: God is our Father, Brother, Friend who takes care of us day and night, protects us when we go through difficulties, (illnesses such as Prostate Cancer that was discovered in time and I was treated by doctors with Radiotherapies and Monotherapies that are very strong that still are doing but I am always praying and reading the word which has given me strength and with the support of my family I am moving forward. Thank you to God, my family and the Doctors for helping me come out victorious.
Dear Henry, thank you for sharing your testimony. It is truly heartwarming to see how God has been your Father, Brother, and Friend through the difficulties you have faced, especially in your fight against prostate cancer. It is a blessing that it was discovered in time and that you received the necessary medical treatment. As you mention, prayer and reading the Word have given you strength and sustained you during this process. This is a beautiful example of how our faith and trust in God can be sources of strength and comfort in difficult times. Additionally, it is wonderful to have the support of your family and the care of the doctors who have helped you on your path to victory. God works through people and means to bring healing and restoration. Let me remind you of the words of Charles Spurgeon in his devotional: "He who throughout life receives the ability to remain whole and to walk without stumbling has the best reason to be grateful." It is a blessing to be able to recognize God's love and care in the midst of difficulties. May the Lord continue to strengthen you in your healing process and bless you abundantly. Thank God for his love, your family and the doctors who have supported you in this victory!
Moises Mora: How important it is to refresh ourselves who is with us, and that He will not allow neither men nor demons to separate us from the love of the only Lord and Savior of our life, thank you
Hello Moisés, thank you for your comment. You are absolutely right to highlight the importance of remembering who is with us and that God will not allow anyone or anything to separate us from his love as our only Lord and Savior. As you mention, it is essential to refresh our minds and hearts with this truth to strengthen our faith and trust in God. In his devotional, Charles Spurgeon reminds us that God will not allow either men or demons to cause us to fall or separate us from his love. His faithfulness is unbreakable and his love for us is eternal. It is a reason for gratitude and joy to know that we have a God who guards us and sustains us at all times. Let us continue to hold on to the promise that nothing will separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus, as the apostle Paul tells us in Romans 8:38-39. His love is immutable and his care is constant in our lives. Thank God for his love and for his constant presence in our lives. May we continue to trust him and live in his love every day. Blessings to you, Moses!
Yda Urrutia.: Firstly we thank the Lord for being his children, bought at a high price. The blood of our Lord Jesus Christ shed on the cross for all humanity....To the servants who give us the word of the Lord every day....For your time and love towards lost souls...Almighty God bless you and strengthen....
Hello Yda, thank you for your comment. It is wonderful that you begin by expressing gratitude to the Lord for the precious gift of being his children, redeemed by the blood of our Lord Jesus Christ shed on the cross. It is through his sacrifice that we have been reconciled to God and received salvation. It is also important to recognize and give thanks to the servants of God who give us the Word and share the love of God with lost souls. They dedicate their time and effort to bring the message of salvation to others, and it is a blessing to have their ministry and support. May the Almighty continue to bless and strengthen the servants of God, and may he also give all of us the heart and passion to share his love and his Word with those who do not yet know Christ. Let us continue to be grateful and aware of the high price that was paid for our redemption, and seek to be instruments in God's hands to bring his message of hope and salvation to those who need it. May the blessing of the Lord be upon you, Yda!
Francisco Diaz S.: The unbeliever, the one who separates himself from God, has no defenses, is exposed to falling into the darkness of sin, because he acts according to his criteria, without support. - You will love your Two and only him will you serve.
Hello Francisco, thank you for your comment. You are right to point out that those who turn away from God and live in unbelief are liable to fall into the darkness of sin. When we distance ourselves from God and act according to our own criteria, without the support of his Word and his guidance, we become vulnerable to temptations and deviations. In contrast, as you mention, the commandment to love God and serve only Him is fundamental in the life of the believer. When we love God with all our heart, soul, and mind, we recognize His authority over our lives and seek to follow His ways. We trust in his wisdom and submit to his will. God's Word warns us about the dangers of turning away from Him and encourages us to seek His presence and direction at all times. As Charles Spurgeon mentions in his devotional, it is the faithful love of God that keeps us and keeps us from falling. It is by the grace and love of God that we can stand firm and resist the temptations of the world. May we always remember the importance of loving and serving God in all areas of our lives, trusting in His power to keep us and protect us from evil. May the Holy Spirit guide and strengthen us in our daily walk with the Lord. May God's blessing be with you, Francisco!
Marita: Hello. That's why my Bible is open to Psalm 91. It is my protection and I fear nothing. I said it all, nothing will happen to me if he doesn't allow it. God I love you with all my being. Reading the Bible is the greatest thing to be able to do. try to walk in the light and good path
Hello Marita, thank you for your comment. It is wonderful to see your love and devotion for the Word of God. Psalm 91 is a beautiful passage that reminds us of the protection and care we have in God. By trusting in Him, we do not have to fear, because nothing will happen to us without His permission. As you mention, reading the Bible is of great importance to walk in the light and follow the good path. Through the Word of God, we receive revelation, instruction and comfort. It is a source of wisdom and guidance for our lives. In Psalm 119:105, the psalmist says, "Your word is a lamp to my feet, and a light to my path." The Word of God illuminates our path and shows us the truth. It guides us toward a life of righteousness and protects us from the dangers of sin. May God's love continue to fill your heart and may you continue to grow in your relationship with Him through reading and meditating on His Word. May his Word be a lamp that illuminates your path and guides you in every step you take. God bless you, Marita!
Carlos Antonio Borja Flores: As the year 2023 is about to end, how good it is to remember that I am not alone in the circumstances of life, that is why I want to make my own the words of the Apostle Paul in Romans 8:35-39 "35 Who will separate us from love of Christ? Tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or danger, or sword? 36 As it is written: For your sake we are always killed; We are counted as sheep for the slaughter. 37 But in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us. 38 For I am sure that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, 39 nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing, will be able to help us. separate from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord." Amen
Hello Carlos Antonio, thank you for your comment. It is wonderful that, at the end of the year, you recognize that you are not alone in life's circumstances. The verses you share from Romans 8:35-39 are a powerful reminder that nothing can separate us from the love of Christ. The apostle Paul encourages us to trust that, despite the difficulties and trials we face, we are more than conquerors through the one who loved us: Jesus Christ. Nothing in this world, not tribulation, anguish, persecution, famine, nakedness, danger or sword, not even death itself, can separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. It is a great comfort to know that we can trust in God's unconditional love in the midst of any situation we face. It gives us hope to know that nothing created can separate us from his eternal love. His love is more powerful than any obstacle or adversity we may face. May this reminder of God's faithfulness and love be a strength for you as you prepare to welcome the new year. May you trust in His care and love in every moment of your life. May God's blessing be with you, Carlos Antonio! Amen.
Aurora Palacios 🇨🇴: Grateful to GOD for the wonderful gift of life, ETERNAL LIFE and every day he vivifies us with his HOLY SPIRIT. Thank you for this ministry God Speaks Today food for our entire being. Blessings 🙏 thank you, thank you.
Hello Aurora, thank you for your comment. It is beautiful to see your gratitude to God for the wonderful gift of life and eternal life that he offers us through Jesus Christ. It is through the Holy Spirit that God vivifies us and guides us in our daily walk. It is a blessing to have ministries like God Speaks Today that provide us with spiritual food to nourish and strengthen our being. Through the Word of God, we receive comfort, direction and teaching. It is an invaluable gift that allows us to grow in our faith and relationship with God. May you continue to be grateful for all the blessings that God has poured out on your life and may you continue to seek His presence and guidance at all times. May the Holy Spirit continue to fill you with wisdom and discernment as you feed on the Word of God. May the blessings of the Lord be with you, Aurora. Thank you for sharing your words of gratitude!
Cesar Gonzales Zapata: Good night, family in Christ - Proverbs 06: 20 to 23 "Son, obey your father's commands and do not despise your mother's teachings; always keep them engraved in your mind and tie them around your neck: When you walk they will guide you, when you "When you go to bed, they will protect you, when you wake up, they will talk to you. Because the command is a lamp, the teaching is light; and repression, which corrects, is the way of life." Today I want to tell you at this time; that our God and Father invites us to be diligent, in obedience in what he teaches us through his Blessed Word; as well as that as children we honor our parents on earth by keeping and making our own all good teaching, since they are not only our parents on earth; but also the instrument that God uses to manage our life, we must always keep in mind that God in the great Love that He has for us always wants the best for us, that is why He Loves us in such a way that He sends His Only Begotten, so that through Let us be his accepted children in Christ; blessings to my family and friends; May God save each of you a hug.
Good night, Cesar! Thank you for sharing this very significant passage from Proverbs 6:20-23. In these verses, we are encouraged to be obedient to the commandments of our parents and to value the teachings they transmit to us. It is a reminder that the words and advice of our parents are a guide in our daily walk. Likewise, it is important to recognize that God has given us our parents as an instrument in our lives. God's love is reflected in his design for us to learn and grow through the teachings and corrections that our parents provide us. Honoring our parents is an act of obedience and gratitude to God. You also mention how God loves us so much that he sent his only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, so that we could be accepted as his children. This immense and sacrificial love of God shows us how much he cares about our well-being and encourages us to follow his will and his teachings. May the blessings of the Lord be upon you, your family and friends. May you continue to grow in obedience to God and honor your parents. May the Word of God be a lamp that illuminates your path and guides you in every step you take. A hug and may God keep you, Cesar!
Lourdes: Thank you father for always having my hand and keeping me in everything in this difficult moment of my life but thanks to you I regain peace and everything that was taken from me by evil hands hallelujah thank you for seeing my son graduate from the university for seeing them accomplished without your Apollo and my faith would not be possible thank you thank you glory to God amen amen amen 🙏🏼
Carlos Romero : They represent a great blessing for us believers of Christ Jesus, thank you for your effort and dedication, may God allow you to continue in blessings, prosperity and victories. Amen and amen.
Hello Lourdes and Carlos! Thank you for sharing your beautiful comments of gratitude towards God. It is wonderful to see how they recognize and appreciate the care and protection that God gives them in all the circumstances of life. Lourdes, we praise God with you for His faithfulness in holding your hand and restoring peace in difficult times. His love and care are immense, and it is by his grace that we can find comfort and strength in the midst of trials. We are also glad that your children have managed to graduate from college, and we recognize that all of this is possible thanks to God's support and your faith in Him. Carlos, your words of gratitude are very encouraging. They encourage us to continue striving and dedicating ourselves to serving the Lord and his people. We entrust ourselves to God to continue to bless your lives, prosper you and guide you in victory. May the peace of God continue to reign in your lives, Lourdes and Carlos. May your faith grow stronger every day and may you be living witnesses of God's love and grace. May He grant you more blessings and guide you in your walk with Jesus. God bless you abundantly! Amen and amen.