The road of life

Charles Spurgeon
Charles Spurgeon

SUMMARY: If the Lord doesn't allow it, no one can bring us down. Life is like a journey through the Alps, full of pitfalls and enemies, but we can maintain our integrity and walk without stumbling thanks to God's faithful love. Source: The Bank of Faith Checkbook.

If the Lord is not going to allow it, neither men nor demons can. How greatly would they rejoice if they could bring us into an ignominious downfall, throw us out of our position, and banish us from memory! They would do this for the enjoyment of their hearts if it weren't for an obstacle, and only one obstacle: the Lord will not allow it; and if He won't tolerate it, we won't suffer it.

The road of life is like a journey through the Alps. Along the mountain trails one is constantly exposed to slipping on his feet. Where the path is high the mind is inclined to faint, and then the foot soon slips: there are parts that are smooth like glass, and others that are steep with loose stones, and in any of them a fall is difficult to avoid. . He who throughout his life receives the ability to maintain integrity and to walk without stumbling has the best reason to be grateful. With pitfalls and pitfalls, weak knees, weary feet, and subtle enemies, no child of God could stand his ground for an hour if it weren't for faithful love that won't give his foot to a slip.

Source: The Bank of Faith Checkbook. Translation by Allan Roman. Diciembre.pdf

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